That would tell me you moved the file using Finder.
You can say 'yes' to remove it from the list if you like.
When you choose File > Open and find its new location, GnuCash will add
it back to the list with the new path.
If you move data files, GnuCash will give you this message. If you want
The recommended procedure when updating GnuCash from an old version to a newer
version is to first update to the last minor version of the major series number
, e.g. for 2.6 this is I think either 2.6.19 or 2.6.21 before up grading to the
3.x series. If you are up grading to version 4.xyou
I just updated from my Gnucash 2.6 to 4.9. Where can I find the update
instruction for 4.9? I know the basic is same as the old 2.6. I kept two set
of account on Gnucash, sometime I can go to the file to switch account, but
sometime when I switch, it said " the file xx.Guncash file could no