Hi Geert,
You have hit the nail on the head, uninstalled flatpak & installed full
version. Now able to get online quotes. Had to modify ASX.pm file as I am in
Australia & I believe I saw a post re this recently. Thanks very much for
your input.
Regards Bruce
Sent from: http://gnucash.14158
Have GnuCash installed on my laptop running Linux Mint. Used synaptic to
install Perl module - Finance::Quote 1.47-1 at
usr/share/doc/libfinance-quote-perl. "About" Pop-up from GnuCash Help &
Security Editor showing it is not installed. Have same working fine on my
desktop running Windows10.
Hi Chris,
Have followed instructions in your post, have contents of the new ASX.pm
file copied to notepad ( running Win 10 at the moment) and have located
existing file but do not know how to "Save As" over the latter. Would
appreciate any assistance you can render. I am trying out Linux Mint on my