Re: [GNC] Mutual fund quotes in the U. S.

2021-04-24 Thread farleykj
I just did a gnc-fq-dump for one of my investments and the date reported within the data was 2021-04-23, which makes sense, since it's a mutual fund that had its price updated yesterday (Friday) evening. However, when I do a price update in GnuCash it takes that quote and assigns it a date for toda

Re: [GNC] Mutual fund quotes in the U. S.

2021-04-24 Thread farleykj
I'd imagine one could do something like this with a Perl script that uses another script, like the Yahoo JSON one, to get the price, then "adjusts" the date based upon the time of day, etc. You'd have to do a bit of searching to figure out how to add your own module to the quoting functions of Perl

Re: [GNC] ETF's in GnuCash?

2021-04-21 Thread farleykj
An ETF is traded like a stock, so I choose to treat it as one. It behaves exactly the same. I see no difference in how any of them are handled as far as tracking my accounts, price retrieval, etc. The only thing I've ever had to handle differently in decades is when I sold an ETF based on gold. In

Re: [GNC] How do I get back the cursor highlight for rows on the account page using CSS file on Windows 10?

2020-05-25 Thread farleykj
I listed my gtk.css file in a previous topic about formatting the register header (something you can't do with CSS). Here's a link to that: The Wiki is just what I found using a typical search with "Gnu

Re: [GNC] How do I get back the cursor highlight for rows on the account page using CSS file on Windows 10?

2020-05-25 Thread farleykj
You e-mailed me directly about more stuff, but I don't generally check that stuff. You should always use Reply All so further messages come here. Anyway, I somewhat recently posted my full gtk.css file that I use for GnuCash, which has all my "discoveries" about different formatting that are availa

Re: [GNC] is there a transaction limit on converting xml to mysql

2020-05-25 Thread farleykj
This is just a guess, based upon other things I've seen in the past, but I seem to recall that in some versions of GnuCash there was a problem with the format of dates? Maybe the large file you're trying to process has some dates that are in a format that conflicts with what MySQL is expecting. You

Re: [GNC] How do I get back the cursor highlight for rows on the account page using CSS file on Windows 10?

2020-05-03 Thread farleykj
The thing you're looking to set, I think, is #account_tree:selected { background_color: teal ; color:white ; font-weight: bold ; } I like to have the bar inverted, you can fiddle with the colors to your liking. - Ken Farley -- Sent from: http://gnucash.1

Re: [GNC] Gnucash logs

2020-04-26 Thread farleykj
I see by the response(s) that it's not as simple as a setting. However, there's no reason you couldn't do a move of the file(s) with some sort of script. Depends on the operating system you're working under. For example, if you're running on Windows, you could add a command or two to the shortcut y

Re: [GNC] GnuCash 3.8 font size too small

2020-04-04 Thread farleykj
I'm running 3.8 on my Mac. If the directory structure is the same for you as it is for me (highly likely), perhaps my setup would work. I set the styling stuff, which includes the font, with a file called "gtk.css". It's in the directory: /Users//Library/Application Support/Gnucash/config/gtk-3.0

Re: [GNC] Need CSS help for 1 line

2020-02-28 Thread farleykj
I've done a bit of investigation of this and found what you're looking for. Here's the lines from my gtk.css file that change the very line you're asking about: .GncRegisterPage { background-color: @hueBGMain ; } .GncRegisterPage label { font-family: "CopperPlate", sans-serif ; font-si

Re: [GNC] Stock account. Entering transacction.

2020-02-14 Thread farleykj
When I do stock transactions that involve shares being bought or sold, I always do them in the investment account for that "holds" the shares for that specific stock. For example, the account structure might be something like: Investments:My Brokerage Account:XYZ Stock So I open the account "XYZ

Re: [GNC] Formatting the Register header?

2020-01-26 Thread farleykj
I don't run Gnucash in full size window either, but the Inspector apparently thought I should...or something I hit in my debugging play triggered the full-screen in the horizontal direction. The things I'd most like to change on the register header: * Make the text-align on the columns "center". *

Re: [GNC] Formatting the Register header?

2020-01-26 Thread farleykj
Yeah, I thought about building the app myself, but it would be a huge undertaking to figure out where to set things up, i.e. where are the gui elements built and assembled? Plus, next time there's an update to a new version, I'd have to do all the hacking I did all over again in order to upgrade. N

Re: [GNC] Formatting the Register header?

2020-01-25 Thread farleykj
I tested the theme I wanted to use by copying all the GTK3 related files from the theme into the Gnucash config directory (~\Appplication Support\Gnucash\config\gtk-3.0 on MacOS). It worked fine, but as expressed elsewhere, the Register Header formatting was immune to all but the background color a

Re: [GNC] Custom Gtk theme (was: Formatting the Register header?)

2020-01-14 Thread farleykj
Yes, I've been through the Wiki a few times. Put the files every place it recommends, and to no avail. That's why I asked what someone's actual working configuration was. I guess there must be something botched up on my system. Oh well. As for the other stuff, I thought I "replied all" on any resp

[GNC] Formatting the Register header?

2020-01-13 Thread farleykj
Hello. I've been whacking away at a bit of GTK3 css formatting to make things a bit more stylish for me. Gnucash 3.8, MacOS 10.12.6 The question I have is: Can I do any formatting or other modifications to the header bar entries in the register? I'd like to be able to do the following items: (1) Ma

[GNC] Using GTK3 Themes with Gnucash 3.X on MacOS

2020-01-01 Thread farleykj
I've seen discussions that imply I should be able to apply a GTK3 theme to Gnucash, but despite my best efforts, am unable to do so. Is this possible? My Setup MacOS 10.12 (Sierra), Gnucash 3.8 I've gone through the Wiki about this stuff, but nothing I try works. If anyone has got this to work, I

Re: [GNC] v3.8

2019-12-31 Thread farleykj via gnucash-user
Well, that was the clue that fixed things for me. I was able to do a wee bit of cpan updating and it apparently fixed the conflict that was causing me all the failures. Everything works nicely. Also, if i might add, the latest 3.8 version seems to start up a bit quicker than its elder predecessor.

Re: [GNC] v3.8

2019-12-31 Thread farleykj
Hi John, Seems like I'm always dealing with Perl troubles on here. I found the utility script you described, and the results I get with it are as expected: < --- Begin Test --- > $VAR1 = { 'AMZNerrormsg' => 'Error retrieving quote for AMZN. Attempt to fetch the URL

Re: [GNC] v3.8

2019-12-30 Thread farleykj via gnucash-user
Thanks, David. I just used the quote downloading in the 2.6 version I was running previously, on 2019-12-27 (Friday). After the update to 3.8 today, it no longer works. Running gnc-fq-dump yahoo_json amzn gets me nothing. Not even the date. I ran the gnc-fq-update module to try and get things worki

Re: [GNC] v3.8

2019-12-30 Thread farleykj via gnucash-user
I just updated from my previous 2.6 variant (can't recall the actual version, but it was near the end of the series). I cannot get any Finance::Quote data. Was using yahoo_json, but it doesn't work any more, not able to even get a quote for AMZN from gnc-fq-dump. Doesn't even return the date. Worki

Re: [GNC] Setting up existing investments in new GnuCash file

2019-11-09 Thread farleykj
As far as moving accounts into a nested position later, I think you can use the "Edit Account" functionality to change the Parent Account setting. Found this out after carelessly creating an account in the wrong place. You don't need to delete anything. The program automatically updates all the tra

Re: Price Editor/Database lag

2018-03-31 Thread farleykj
You don't necessarily have to update manually. The original Yahoo source has been ruined, but you can (and I do) use "yahoo_json" as a source. It's worked fine for me. As for your actual question, I'm sorry but I've no idea. I'm running on Mac OSX. People might have some inquiries about the particu

Re: Upgrading to 2.7 series

2018-03-13 Thread farleykj
As I understand it, the 2.7 series is an unstable developmental version of the program, not intended for production use. By its very nature it will have bugs, 'cause that's part of the process of testing it and making improvements. In short, if you're just using the program, I'd not fiddle with the

Re: Finance::Quote for EE Savings Bonds

2018-02-19 Thread farleykj
David, I'm not sure which item you're referring to, so I'll say a bit about each: (1) As far as I can figure, if I want to add a quote source, like US EE/E/I savings bonds, I have to write my own Perl code to get it done. The existing Finance::Quote modules just don't work, or at least not when I t

Re: Finance::Quote for EE Savings Bonds

2018-02-19 Thread farleykj
Yeah, I've found that one of the philosophical differences in how to track these things seems to be that some accounting systems want you to put the bonds in as a share-per-USD relationship. And, since there is no actual universal "symbol" for EE or other bonds of the type, there are lots of user-d

Re: Online quotes fetching the wrong price

2018-02-08 Thread farleykj
You could also, without any alphavantage stuff, obtain quotes from the "yahoo_json" source, again using NAB.AX as the symbol. Hopefully yahoo won't kill off this source, too. - Ken Farley -- Sent from: __

Re: Finance::Quote for EE Savings Bonds

2018-02-03 Thread farleykj
Robin, Were you able to get quotes for your bonds? - Ken Farley -- Sent from: ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsub

Re: Finance::Quote for EE Savings Bonds

2018-01-31 Thread farleykj Here's the Perl code. It was my first Perl program, so it's likely not going to win any awards and such, but it works for me for my old EE bonds. - Ken Farley -- Sent from:

Re: Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

2018-01-28 Thread farleykj
So, after trying different methods of communicating with the treasurydirect site, I finally bit the bullet and updated my Perl modules (via a cpan "upgrade" command) and the problem has been fixed. Don't know which module was mucked up or how it got that way, but things are working fine, now. I not

Re: gnc-fq-update download

2018-01-14 Thread farleykj
I don't know where the gnc-fq-* files are put on a Linux installation, but they are just short Perl scripts that do the stuff for you. I'm on OS X, and on there the files are in /Applications/ Either way, here the text from "gnc-fq-update". You can copy this into a

Re: Running balance stops working

2018-01-07 Thread farleykj
You've not mentioned the operating system you are running on, which can be helpful if other people want to try and duplicate your problem. Either way, first off, I've got lots of added namespace entries for the securities, like ETF, ESOP, etc. They are just placeholders for categorizing, they don't

Re: Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

2017-12-28 Thread farleykj
John, I get the results you get from "curl". A whole lot of code. So this narrows my troubles down to the use of Perl for requests? I'm currently using version 5.18. - Ken Farley -- Sent from: _

Re: Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

2017-12-28 Thread farleykj
I'm not using a proxy. I tried using identification strings for a few other browers, like Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc. and to no avail. - Ken Farley -- Sent from: ___ gnucas

Re: Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

2017-12-28 Thread farleykj
Well, that really does me in, I guess. Odd that I can use their on-site tools to get values of things, but can't via Perl. - Ken Farley -- Sent from: ___ gnucash-user mailing list gnuc

Re: Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

2017-12-28 Thread farleykj
Sorry, I thought I'd responded to the message about telling the agent what browser it is identifying itself as. I'm using Perl, and the code I'm using to see what's up is as follows: use LWP::UserAgent ; use LWP::Simple ; my $urlSite = ""; ; my $idBrows

Re: Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

2017-12-28 Thread farleykj
I did try this. The only effect from changing it is to get a different number at the end of the failure message, i.e. it goes from "Can't connect to (Connection refused)" to "Can't connect to (Connection refused)" This is rather mysterious pr

Re: Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

2017-12-27 Thread farleykj
The URL is listed with https. But, for the record, I tried http and https in futile attempts to connect. Neither makes any difference. The error message you refer to is the "contents" of the results I get from a query to the website, and doesn't make any reference to http or https. It is the output

Re: Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

2017-12-27 Thread farleykj
Some follow-up. I figured that if the API is not being useful, instead of wondering what to do I should contact the treasurydirect "people" and ask. Sure. And here is the result: - Their Response - Hello, In regards to your e-mail, we are sorry you are experiencing difficulty logging int

Re: Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

2017-12-23 Thread farleykj
The API is documented, but again, attempts to communicate with it yield the same message: Can't connect to (Connection refused) It just seems that the site doesn't want to accept any communications. I'd be interested if someone else was able to get anything out of the si

Re: Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

2017-12-23 Thread farleykj
Hi Frank. I substituted the definition of the URL with the following my $urlSite = ""; ; But I still get the same message about the connection being refused. Going by the normal browser activity, I can get to the ..BC/SBCPrice page and get prices, etc. It just see

Re: Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

2017-12-22 Thread farleykj
Further investigation seems to show that the site does not allow any connections, at least not via Perl. I attempted a simple "probe" of the price calculation site, via the following: my $urlSite = ""; ; my $userAgent = LWP::UserAgent->new ; my $resData

Re: MacOS 10.13.2 won't work with Gnucash

2017-12-17 Thread farleykj
I've not updated either to High Sierra or 2.6.19. I usually wait a bit to see if any troubles occur before I jump in, since the latest release is not usually critical to perform any functions I need. Therefore, I don't really have any advice on what's up with your difficulties. That being said, if

Re: Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

2017-12-17 Thread farleykj
I'm using the bond quote grabbing code I wrote in 2012 which has been serving me faithfully since 2016-04-04. I am using https in the url, here's the full contents I get from the post request: Can't connect to (Connection refused) LWP::Protocol::https::Socket: connect:

Re: Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

2017-12-17 Thread farleykj
Well, it appears that the only data being returned by quote requests is: "Can't connect to (Connection refused)" Don't have any idea why - my Perl experience is rather limited. Definitely throws a wrench into the works for me, though. - Ken Farley -- Sent from: ht

Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

2017-12-14 Thread farleykj
I've been able to obtain quotes from the Treasury Direct ( for a while, until 2017-12-12. Does anyone know if the interface of this site has changed lately? I know I'll have to investigate to update my Perl code to get these, but just thought I'd check if anyone has clues that wi

Re: how to get aex quotes

2017-11-16 Thread farleykj
I just tried to obtain a quote for this symbol with yahoo_json, and it seems to be giving prices. The results I get for gnc-fq-dump yahoo_json is Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses: symbol: <=== required date: 11/16/2017 <=== recommended currenc

Re: finance-quote error

2017-11-04 Thread farleykj
This debacle has brought to light another difficulty. The reliance on this one source (Yahoo) for prices. I don't think any of the other F::Q sources for US stock prices works. Not fool, fidelity, nasdaq, nyse, for example. Sending a query with gnc-fq-dump, even with the "-v" flag, yields nothing.

Re: No stock quote for LU1233758587

2017-07-22 Thread farleykj
I made a quick shell script to try to get quotes for this symbol (LU1233758587) on all the sources available. Running gnc-fq-check gives all the sources, and sending an inquiry to gnc-fq-dump LU1233758587 for each source checks them. None of the sources yielded anything. Some possibilities I can t

Re: Retrieving BTC (Bitcoin) Quotes

2017-05-21 Thread farleykj
So maybe a way around this would be to write a quick bit of Perl code to retrieve the quotes for Bitcoin in Euros and a quote for EUR to USD, and return the calculated result? I'd imagine the resultant quote would be very ephemeral, since both quotes are constantly changing, but there you go. --

Re: Flipping account types by hacking the XML

2017-05-18 Thread farleykj
Another method, perhaps a tedious one, is to create the "proper" credit card account, then go into the imported transactions and redesignate the accounts of each transaction. I've done this for situations where I needed to add a "Cash" account to an investment account. It takes a while, but has the