The hack proposed by Bruce Schuck in the thread "Yahoo Closed the Door on
Finance API" also works for Flatpak install of Gnucash v. 5.3.
This Flatpak install was the only Linux distribution of Gnucash v.5.3 I have
been able to find. Unfortunately it it uses F::Q v. 1.56 and I have been unable
n the default command, but gnucash-cli
- -quotes dump
=> the arguments to pass to the command to run
Op dinsdag 11 juli 2023 16:13:37 CEST schreef doug brown via gnucash-user:
> I installed via flatpack Gnucash v. 5.3 on Linux Mint v. 20 OS and
I installed via flatpack Gnucash v. 5.3 on Linux Mint v. 20 OS and the terminal
commands that I previously used to find sources for quotes on longer work.
Here is the output:
doug@sager:~$ gnucash-cli --quotes dump yahoo_json QCBMPXgnucash-cli: command
not found
doug@sager:~$ gnc-fq-dump -v yah
Yahoo as JSON to retrieve TIAA prices? This works for all
of mine. I don't know about that particular one.
On Wed, Jul 5, 2023, 7:06 PM doug brown via gnucash-user
Linux Mint v. 20. GNUCASH v. 4.2Finance::Quote v. 1.56
When I update the price Data Base it fails to retrieve
Linux Mint v. 20. GNUCASH v. 4.2Finance::Quote v. 1.56
When I update the price Data Base it fails to retrieve TIAA-CREF quotes.
The Security Editor is set up as follows:
Running gnc-fq-dump gives the following result:
doug@sager:~/src/gnucash-5.1$ gnc-fq-dump tiaacref QCBMPXFinance::Quote fields