On 4/3/2021 9:06 PM, Roland Roberts wrote:
I've delayed reconciling my accounts for a long time and am now paying
the price by having a lot of entries to go through.
This account happens to be my PayPal account, and normally this is a
zero balance account in any period. That was
doesn't change anything.
Any suggestions on how to fix this?
Roland Roberts, PhD
Brooklyn, NY USA
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On 2/21/2020 11:54 PM, Roland Roberts wrote:
So... I figured the log file(s) between those two should have the
missing transactions. But that file is nothing but a sequence of
after the header. Why wouldn't the log have my deleted transactions
in it?
Somewhere in the last few days, I managed to delete one or more
transactions that were reconciled. I'll blame it on sleep deprivation
trying to get through my wife's business accounts and our personal ones,
I went to my gnucash autosave files and began opening them until I found
the l