I have a few different credit card accounts that are set up exactly the
same as far as I can see. My default register view is basic ledger, double
line view.
When reconciling, I have the account open in a tab, and click Reconcile on
the toolbar. I enter the details in the Reconcile Informati
ake much longer than restoring a backup and then filling in
> gaps. There can also be complications with db editing outside of the
> GnuCash app. So restoring a backup is also likely much ’safer’ for overall
> data integrity at this time.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Adrien
3 version for testing till your
> comfortable with the results.
> Also, please file a bug report on this. Be sure to set it as ’SQL-Backend’
> since we know that notes works properly otherwise. This also isn’t specific
> to Windows because I’m on a Mac and see the same bug.
I've just noticed in Version 3.1 that all my Notes have vanished from the
register. I use GnuCash with the register set to Basic Ledger and Double
Line Mode, so I always see the Description and Notes fields. I've noticed
today that all of the Notes fields are blank, including some that I know