Hello all,
Using Ubuntu 18.04 on two computers, was using gnucash-3.9 on both.
Directories are identical. I could compile gnucash-4.0 on one computer.
Same commands used in both computers:
1. cd build-gnucash-3.9, sudo ninja uninstall, sudo ninja clean
2. Downloaded the source file, gnucash-4.0, ex
Thanks David,
I have run the commands as you indicated and installed the Gnucash.
On Tue, Dec 24, 2019 at 4:01 AM David Cousens
> Aminul,
> ninja check will build the libraries and then run a set of unit tests. The
> latter are mainly of use to the developers. It can
I am trying to build Gnucash on Ubuntu 18.04, but the following errors
On ninja check:
The following tests FAILED:
36 - test-qof (Child aborted)
59 - test-gnc-numeric (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
How to solve?