compile any version
of 2.7.xx nor 3.0
Any further information please don't hesistate to ask me.
Best Regards
El 16/04/18 a las 13:43, Geert Janssens escribió:
Op dinsdag 10 april 2018 14:11:24 CEST schreef Geert Janssens:
Op vrijdag 6 april 2018 16:42:38 CEST schreef John Ralls:
Dear users,
I'd tried to compile GNC V3. on Linux Mint 18.3 Sylvia, (Spanish
language) and blocked in this stage:
[ 30%] Generating ../../lib/gnucash/scm/ccache/2.2/gnucash/core-utils.go
In /usr/bin/guild:
74:17 19 (main _)
In srfi/srfi-1.scm:
640:9 18 (for-each # …)
In scr
aps one at a time, to find any
that cause a problem.
John Ralls
> On Jan 1, 2018, at 1:29 PM, Carlos A. Garcia
<[2]> wrote:
> Dear John,
> first of all, have a good 2018.
> I instal
the interface under Linux.
I don't know if the language problem or other problem.
The versions of the CPAN and F::Q are updated.
I really I don't know how more check and test.
Best Regards
El 23/12/17 a las 18:28, John Ralls escribió:
On Dec 23, 2017, at 11:35 AM, Carlos A. Garc
i tried to change to "APHAVANTAGE" in security editor as was indicate:
Using the Security Editor in GnuCash edit every security with Get Online
Quotes enabled that uses a Yahoo! source and either disable Get Online
Quotes or change the the type of quote source to "Unkown" and the source
Dear All,
I faced the problem, during november, that can not obtain the USD to
ARS conversion (Argentina).
I use Linux Mint 18.3 Sylvia
I have the version 2.6.18 compiled in October (in that moment, works
perfect) + Finance::Quote is up to date (1.47).
I try to follow the proce