Re: [GNC] Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)

2022-12-28 Thread LI Daobing
CBDCs also can constrain the usage of money. like some money can only be used to pay rent, and some other money can only be used to buy food. On Thu, Dec 29, 2022 at 2:19 PM Dr. David Kirkby <> wrote: > Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) work on a blockchain li

[GNC] Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)

2022-12-28 Thread Dr. David Kirkby
Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) work on a blockchain like bitcoin, but are issued central government bank. A pretty awful idea in my opinion, as the government can just freeze your assets, but some are already in existence, and it’s fairly obvious other countries will have them. Nigeria h

Re: [GNC] Feature request - prevent a transaction with todays date

2022-12-28 Thread David H
Michael, Not a nuisance for me but a blessing as I enter 95% of my txns on the date they occur :-). I'm long past the stage of saving things up for days / weeks / months and entering them in one hit and also trying to remember what a well faded register receipt from months ago really was. Cheers

Re: [GNC] Feature request - prevent a transaction with todays date

2022-12-28 Thread Michael or Penny Novack
On 12/28/2022 11:11 AM, R Losey wrote: That would be an interesting poll (about when one enters data)... I put all receipts in a drawer and enter them into GnuCash weekly, and after that, they get filed. What I have been saying, not "real time". The "today" date (the day once  week when you e

Re: [GNC] Feature request - prevent a transaction with todays date

2022-12-28 Thread Michael or Penny Novack
On 12/28/2022 11:07 AM, R Losey wrote: While that is technically true, I enter credit card charges on the day I use the card, not when it clears... ditto for writing checks, and I suspect most people do it that way. 98% of the time it doesn't matter, but I have run into end-of-month and end-of

Re: [GNC] gnucash-user Digest, Vol 237, Issue 111

2022-12-28 Thread Kalpesh Patel
Murugan - One of the un-documented feature of the "Install Online Price Retrieval for GnuCash" script/shortcut is that it also upgrades Perl modules if newer version ones are available in the repository. This will upgrade module dependencies and the finance quote module followed by a validation

Re: [GNC] Risk of using newer version on Windows 7

2022-12-28 Thread David Cousens
James  Be careful if you are upgrading across major version boundaries e.g V2.x to V4.x directly might cause problems with the data file as there are some changes in data formats and also in storage location for ancilliary information (see with

Re: [GNC] Changing registers in the middle of entering or editing a transaction

2022-12-28 Thread Stephen M. Butler
On 12/28/22 14:05, Stan Brown wrote: It's a bit irritating to be told that something is preventing save, but not told what that something is. (Reminds me of the story, hopefully apocryphal, of a C compiler that had only one error message, "Syntax Error", with no indication of where.) Saw that m

Re: [GNC] GNUCash - Total Assets <> Total Liabilities + Equity

2022-12-28 Thread Sebastian Naumann
Hi Derek, I think I found the issue in the GnuCash Documentation. I did not use trading accounts (could kick myself in the butt). I now enabled them. Is there a way to instruct GnuCash to retroactively run the Trading Splits? Thanks a lot. Am 12/28/22 um 17:25 schrieb Derek Atkins: Hi, I

Re: [GNC] GNUCash - Total Assets <> Total Liabilities + Equity

2022-12-28 Thread Derek Atkins
Hi, I don't see any "snip" so not sure what you are referring to... But yes, my guess is yes, it's an exchange-rate issue and not accounting for the change in value from Time_0 to Time_1 when you have a cross-currency transaction. My first guess would be what the exchange rate was on the 1000€ on

Re: [GNC] Feature request - prevent a transaction with todays date

2022-12-28 Thread Dr. David Kirkby
On Wed, 28 Dec 2022 at 21:26, Adrien Monteleone <> wrote: > Consider as well, another software package entirely to handle quotes, > proformas, invoices, AR even. > > Then export the resulting accounting data to GnuCash to complete your > books. > > (the same goes for

Re: [GNC] Changing registers in the middle of entering or editing a transaction

2022-12-28 Thread Stan Brown
On 2022-12-28 13:09, David Carlson wrote: > Over the years I have filed more than one bug report looking at various > aspects of the issue of not being able to ascertain which pending edit was > preventing the manual file save action, but today I was only able to find > this one:

[GNC] GNUCash - Total Assets <> Total Liabilities + Equity

2022-12-28 Thread Sebastian Naumann
Hi everyone, I have a small issue here arising, from what I believe, the Exchange rates. Background: * The entity I am working on received a Loan in EUR and decided to set their Common Stock Capital to 1000 EUR instead of 1000 USD. * The entity operated for one year only and will be closed

Re: [GNC] Feature request - prevent a transaction with todays date

2022-12-28 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Consider as well, another software package entirely to handle quotes, proformas, invoices, AR even. Then export the resulting accounting data to GnuCash to complete your books. (the same goes for investment tracking) If you weren't doing your own accounting, you'd be using the other software

Re: [GNC] Feature request - prevent a transaction with todays date

2022-12-28 Thread Adrien Monteleone
On 12/28/22 1:50 AM, Dr. David Kirkby wrote: 1) Can not generate a quote I recall this being considered for version 5.0 due out next Spring, but I haven't checked the status on the feature lately. Meanwhile, create invoices for printing/e-mailing, but do not post them. Edit them either within

Re: [GNC] Feature request - prevent a transaction with todays date

2022-12-28 Thread Adrien Monteleone
On 12/28/22 10:07 AM, R Losey wrote: While that is technically true, I enter credit card charges on the day I use the card, not when it clears... ditto for writing checks, and I suspect most people do it that way. Those generally *are* the days payment is legally made. When you hand over a check

Re: [GNC] Changing registers in the middle of entering or editing a transaction

2022-12-28 Thread David Carlson
Over the years I have filed more than one bug report looking at various aspects of the issue of not being able to ascertain which pending edit was preventing the manual file save action, but today I was only able to find this one: There should be a

Re: [GNC] How to generate Budget V Actual Report for Profit and Loss

2022-12-28 Thread Adrien Monteleone
On 12/28/22 5:38 AM, David Long wrote: Thanks Adrien for your reply. I have also been trying to produce a report showing this year's P&L compared with previous. I tried the multi column reports, but the descriptions repeat and the rows do not line up. Reporting Actual V Budget and prior years i

Re: [GNC] Finance::Quote v1.54 Released

2022-12-28 Thread Frank H. Ellenberger
Hi all, recently C. Wehling has added the chapter to thhe manual. It should explain it for all OSes. HTH Frank Am 28.12.22 um 19:52 schrieb Murugan Muruganandam: hi bruce thanks, how can i update 1.54 in windows Saludos Cor

Re: [GNC] Risk of using newer version on Windows 7

2022-12-28 Thread James Geidl
David, Thank you very very much. Jim On Dec 27, 2022, 11:38 PM, at 11:38 PM, David H wrote: >Absolutely none in my experience, I think I'm up to 4.12 on Win 7 >Ultimate >(64 bit OS) although I haven't fired up that particular laptop for a >while >due to video card drivers misbehaving. Also dep

Re: [GNC] Finance::Quote v1.54 Released

2022-12-28 Thread R Losey
Noted... by "get my hands on", I was really meaning to set aside the time to look at the code and see how hard it would be to add a check. On Wed, Dec 28, 2022 at 10:31 AM john wrote: > You already have the sources. gnc-fq-update is a plain text and very short > perl script that simply invokes P

Re: [GNC] Finance::Quote v1.54 Released

2022-12-28 Thread Murugan Muruganandam
hi bruce thanks, how can i update 1.54 in windows Saludos Cordiales Murugan From: gnucash-user on behalf of Bruce Schuck Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2022 12:28 AM To: ; Subject: [GNC] Finance::Quote v1

Re: [GNC] Finance::Quote v1.54 Released

2022-12-28 Thread john
You already have the sources. gnc-fq-update is a plain text and very short perl script that simply invokes Perl's cpan package manager. That's also a perl program and like all perl is plain text too. It usually lives at /usr/bin/cpan. Regards, John Ralls > On Dec 28, 2022, at 7:58 AM, R Losey

Re: [GNC] Is "Transaction -> Add Reversing Transaction" on menu okay for a refund?

2022-12-28 Thread R Losey
I've not used the "Add Reversing Transaction" -- if the entity (in your case, Paypal) treats it as two transactions, I'd enter a second transaction identical to the first one, having the 60p in the other column. We have had cases where the transaction was actually canceled instead of refunded... in

Re: [GNC] Changing registers in the middle of entering or editing a transaction

2022-12-28 Thread R Losey
There are times when I want to check the accounts list in the middle of entering a transaction, and I have occasionally (to verify amounts) wanted to check with another register. I'd be okay with the change below as long as there were three, not two choices: 1) Save changes 2) Discard the transacti

Re: [GNC] Feature request - prevent a transaction with todays date

2022-12-28 Thread R Losey
Odd... mine always has done this (since I've corrected dates many times). On Tue, Dec 27, 2022 at 6:11 PM Dr. David Kirkby <> wrote: > On Tue, 27 Dec 2022 at 08:00, David T. wrote: > > > Dr. Kirkby, > > > > While I understand the requirements for not editing existi

Re: [GNC] Feature request - prevent a transaction with todays date

2022-12-28 Thread R Losey
That would be an interesting poll (about when one enters data)... I put all receipts in a drawer and enter them into GnuCash weekly, and after that, they get filed. On Tue, Dec 27, 2022 at 5:51 PM Stan Brown wrote: > > On 2022-12-27 14:51, Michael or Penny Novack wrote: > > When entering transa

Re: [GNC] Feature request - prevent a transaction with todays date

2022-12-28 Thread R Losey
While that is technically true, I enter credit card charges on the day I use the card, not when it clears... ditto for writing checks, and I suspect most people do it that way. 98% of the time it doesn't matter, but I have run into end-of-month and end-of -year items that require me to be more care

Re: [GNC] Finance::Quote v1.54 Released

2022-12-28 Thread R Losey
Thanks; I ran the update script... after installing 'make' (which I'm surprised I didn't have installed already), it churched for 12-14 minutes and succeeded. The update script says I am using version 1.54 now. On Tue, Dec 27, 2022 at 6:12 PM Fross, Michael wrote: > Hello R Losey, > > *cpan up

Re: [GNC] Finance::Quote v1.54 Released

2022-12-28 Thread R Losey
Thanks; I was hoping it had its own update script. Well, it took a couple of tries... as a long-time C programmer, I have gcc installed. The first time, I ran the update, and it spit out pages and pages of text, but ultimately failed. Looking back, I could see that it had a problem with not find

Re: [GNC] How to generate Budget V Actual Report for Profit and Loss

2022-12-28 Thread Michael or Penny Novack
On 12/28/2022 6:38 AM, David Long wrote: Thanks Adrien for your reply. I have also been trying to produce a report showing this year's P&L compared with previous. I tried the multi column reports, but the descriptions repeat and the rows do not line up. Reporting Actual V Budget and prior years

Re: [GNC] How to generate Budget V Actual Report for Profit and Loss

2022-12-28 Thread David Long
Thanks Adrien for your reply. I have also been trying to produce a report showing this year's P&L compared with previous. I tried the multi column reports, but the descriptions repeat and the rows do not line up. Reporting Actual V Budget and prior years is pretty standard in an accounting system

Re: [GNC] Settings not respected

2022-12-28 Thread Geert Janssens
Op dinsdag 27 december 2022 17:25:42 CET schreef Jeff: > On 27/12/2022 16:21, Geert Janssens wrote: > > Is there a way to get gnucash 4.13 installed on your system (and not via > > flatpak ?) That would be another useful test. > > > I just built a deb for 4.13 and indeed the problem is fixed. >