Re: [GNC] Price update not working - Alpha Vantage's limit is five (5) API requests per one (1) minute

2022-10-14 Thread R Losey
I went through and changed nearly all of my listings to Yahoo - JSON, and the update now takes 10 seconds instead of 7 minutes, so that was certainly the issue. On Mon, Oct 10, 2022 at 2:46 PM R Losey wrote: > Geoff - agreed. Thanks for your help. I like the idea of using multiple > sources - is

Re: [GNC] Moving Securities from one Security Account to another

2022-10-14 Thread john
Is the savings plan account tax deferred? If it is then it's probably a taxable event to transfer the shares out of it and you'll indeed want to do a sell/buy dance so that you can book the gain/loss income. If not then there should be no tax event and you can just CR the savings plan account f

Re: [GNC] Moving Securities from one Security Account to another

2022-10-14 Thread R Losey
I would merely "sell" them in the savings plan and then "buy" them in the regular account. If you want your gain/loss to be correct, it may be more work... you would have to "sell" each at the price it was added, and then buy it in the regular account at that price... I assume this is what the ban

[GNC] Moving Securities from one Security Account to another

2022-10-14 Thread Thomas
Dear list, I have to different accounts for one security (regular and saving plan account) and recently canceled said saving plan and instructed my bank to merge the shares in the saving plan account into the regular account, which they did. Unfortunately, I am somewhat clueless on how I can b

Re: [GNC] transaction images and failed hard drives

2022-10-14 Thread john
> On Oct 13, 2022, at 11:24 PM, Jeff wrote: > > Is there any way, even the slightest, to attach a transaction image to a > daemon instead of a specific file? That way I could use a database system in > the background to hold images instead of the file system. That way images > would still

Re: [GNC] Follow up on Gnucash invoicing and payment - questions on process

2022-10-14 Thread Adrien Monteleone
As far as I know, that exact report doesn't exist in GnuCash, but there are various ways to see this information. #1 Invoices Due Reminder This is a dialog window, not a report. (and sadly no way to get that data to a report as far as I know.) It shows the Invoice, Customer, Date Due & Balanc

Re: [GNC] Follow up on Gnucash invoicing and payment - questions on process

2022-10-14 Thread Michael or Penny Novack
On 10/14/2022 3:21 AM, Charles Vincent wrote: Following my previous email on the subject, thank you to members and to the four friends who responded. Feedback and additional question below. It took me a while to understand what you were saying, but with your indication of liabilities, that got m

Re: [GNC] transaction images and failed hard drives

2022-10-14 Thread Murugan Muruganandam
Jeff this may not be the direct answer, nevertheless i use the cloud storage for my GNU files and it works like a charm(and economical). Apart from crashes, it allows me to connect from different computers and work. Again not an answer to your question, thought will share. Saludos Cordiales

[GNC] Follow up on Gnucash invoicing and payment - questions on process

2022-10-14 Thread Charles Vincent
Following my previous email on the subject, thank you to members and to the four friends who responded. Feedback and additional question below. It took me a while to understand what you were saying, but with your indication of liabilities, that got me thinking and I did manage to find the solution

Re: [GNC] transaction images and failed hard drives

2022-10-14 Thread David T. via gnucash-user
Geoff, Jeff is asking a more specific question related to the image linking feature. It's not his book data that he's looking for guidance on; it's whether he can link his images using a different mechanism than to a file directly. Jeff, I don't profess to fully understand your solution, but I