I'm having a bit of trouble compiling 2.6.19 (so that I can begin the
upgrade process for the data) but the dependencies are not being met.
All the base dependency packages are installed but the versioning seems
to be off or package names have changed and don't expose old library
names. For examp
Lots of info at https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Online_Quotes if you want to
read up on it.
There's a menu item for it - left click on the start menu windows logo,
left click on "A" in the list of installed programs, then left click "G"
for Gnucash and then open the Gnucash folder and click on the "
I want to install Finance::Quote on Windows10
Could you please give me a bit more detailed explanation on how to do this >>>
Run Start → GnuCash → Install Online Price Retrieval.
I understand I need to do this from the command prompt ...I just need a more
substantial explana
If you do a File/Open you will see all the saved GNUCash points to which you
can restore. However, you will lose all transactions from that point forward,
not just the reconciliations. However, you don't have to. When you do your
next reconciliation, it will just have a different star
Try the Transaction Report - set the options to select your "checking
account" on the Accounts tab and on the filter tab select "Unreconciled
only" for the Reconciliation status which should display your unreconciled
txns for the checking account.
First copy your current Gnucash file some
I have deleted some transactions that I thought were not cleared but they
must have been because when I went to reconcile the checking account, my
beginning balance is wrong. I did correct some imbalances on split
transactions and I did delete some transactions but I THOUGHT I had checked
to make