Oh, I didn’t catch that change. I may need to go back to 4.4 version of GnuCash
to get back that functionality in that case. That was by large my use case and
that change takes away quite bit of usefulness from GnuCash for me.
I was looking at the code base for libofx and it seems that handling
The risk of updating GnuCash to the most recent version on a Windows 7
computer is pretty small compared to your continued use of Windows 7.
Microsoft stopped supporting Windows 7 about a year and a half ago.
You should avoid using Windows 7 for anything of consequence. Perhaps
> *I successfully transferred from Quicken to GnuCash years ago, with no
> troubles. I'm a home user, nothing complex.
*>>* Is there any reason I should upgrade from Version 3.8? Are the
changes mostly for business folks or are there changes that a home
user would enjoy?*
It's continual improv