I'll step in to say that you're certainly welcome to create your own practices
for your own books. I personally like to see that the sell transaction in the
stock account matches what my brokerage indicates, and in my experience, that
means a sale at the actual price and entries that ac
On Tue, May 25, 2021 at 4:38 AM Geoff wrote:
> I personally found the current process quite confusing for a long long
> time until one day it finally "clicked" and now I am used to using the
> Lots functionality for tracking capital gains & losses.
Hi, Geoff! I'm in the same boat. I'm used to
Hi Peter
First, thanks for taking the time and effort to kick off this discussion
with your suggestion.
I personally found the current process quite confusing for a long long
time until one day it finally "clicked" and now I am used to using the
Lots functionality for tracking capital gains