Ok, I figured this one out eventually as I had an unintentional oversight.
The header of the CSV file is the one which caused the issue. I had to
ensure that the header is not taken into consideration by increasing the
"Leading Lines to Skip" by 1 as my CSV file had a header.
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I am looking to import transactions from a CSV file [0] in a European Date
Format (dd.mm.). GNUCash is unable to recognise the date format. The
Date Format field in the import dialog is set to "d-m-y". The Date Format
under "Preferences" is "Locale dd.mm.". I have also tried changing i
Hello David Cousens,
Thank you so much for your helped, Your solutions you guided to me have
solved all my questions. My respect to you.
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It is sometimes confusing to think of the double entry recording in accounts
as a transfer. There are circumstances where that is appropriate but in many
transactions you record it is not but the second account is usually referred
to as the "transfer" account in the Gnucash documentation.
Each mon
Rather than dive into Scheme programming with a completely new report, I’d like
to try editing an existing report to provide a little customisation.
I’m looking at the experimental report balsheet-pnl.scm by Christopher Lam,
which I found here on my Mac…
I'm sorry, maybe i am misunderstanding. So what should i record this
>From 1 to 12 of year :
* 1 :
I need to transfer from "liability:tax" to "expense:tax" 100 each month
At the end of year, i owe 1200 because Liability:tax is 1200
And when i pay tax, i transfer from asset to Li