Re: [GNC] Removing Orphan components from transaction

2019-11-17 Thread David Carlson
Peter, You [re]discovered a quirk of GnuCash that it is possible to leave a transaction having an uncommitted pending edit, then edit the 'home' split line from a different account of the same transaction by deleting the 'home' account. GnuCash then automagically commits the edit and it disappear

Re: [GNC] Removing Orphan components from transaction

2019-11-17 Thread David Cousens
Peter If you open the Asset register in auto split register ( View->Autosplit register), select the transaction and then right click on the split to the Orphan AUD account you will get a popup menu one of the entries of which is Delete Split. If the split to Orphan AUD was the only split other th

Re: [GNC] Locked out of gnucash

2019-11-17 Thread David Carlson
Is there a simple way to reword the warning to say that a lock file is present thus some instance of GnuCash has either abandoned it or is not finished working with the data. If you are sure that it was *not* opened by another user or still opened by yourself on another screen or computer click

[GNC] Removing Orphan components from transaction

2019-11-17 Thread Peter West
I found a transaction in Orphan-AUD. It was a split, and the Orphan component was zero. Maybe I had forgotten part of the split, and then corrected it, leaving nothing in the Orphan-AUD account. I wanted to remove this transaction from Orphan-AUD. As I recall, I tried to remove the Orphan line

Re: [GNC] Archiving transactions

2019-11-17 Thread M. Rizwan Muzzammil
Hi, I should clarify that when I mean transactions I am referring to double entries. Each business transaction, from the e-commerce stuff I do, outputs on average five double entries: one each for sales, commissions, shipping, coupons and so on. So 500k double entries would yield around 100k actu

Re: [GNC] Locked out of gnucash

2019-11-17 Thread John Ralls
Except that the file was closed immediately after completing the session load. GnuCash will rename it and write a new one if you have made changes to the book in memory and tell it to save those changes or let it auto-save, but you can certainly close the session and so delete the lock file with

Re: [GNC] Archiving transactions

2019-11-17 Thread D via gnucash-user
Rizwan, I am intrigued. You say you're a new user, but you have 500,000 transactions. Wow! You've been getting the usual kinds of responses to your question: how fast is your computer, how many reports are you running, be patient, don't close Gnucash, etc. But it sounds as if you're pushing

Re: [GNC] Locked out of gnucash

2019-11-17 Thread Frank H. Ellenberger
Am Mo., 18. Nov. 2019 um 01:24 Uhr schrieb David Carlson : : There are a few other reasons, where I already have run in: > "The data file has not been cleanly closed since it was last opened. If you > are sure that it was not opened by another user, click 'Open Anyway'. > Otherwise click one o

Re: [GNC] Archiving transactions

2019-11-17 Thread David Carlson
There is a setting under Edit > Preferences > General to compress the data file. I think it is selected by default. In Windows 10 compression happens very fast so that is not likely to be an issue with speed. However, because the entire database is [theoretically] in RAM, at some point that will

[GNC] Creating profiles for mapped accounts

2019-11-17 Thread M. Rizwan Muzzammil
Hello all, I am using the import transactions feature to import sales data into gnucash. This works brilliantly. If you do it once then gnucash recognizes the same account descriptions with subsequent imports and automatically remaps correctly. Currently I have two sources of sales data (e-comme

Re: [GNC] Archiving transactions

2019-11-17 Thread M. Rizwan Muzzammil
I will check. Thanks for the suggestion. On Mon, Nov 18, 2019, 10:06 AM Greg Feneis wrote: > It seems like there used to be an option to encrypt, or zip the working > file when it's the default xml type. If that's still an option, and is > enabled, it could cause a delay relative to the file siz

Re: [GNC] Archiving transactions

2019-11-17 Thread Greg Feneis
It seems like there used to be an option to encrypt, or zip the working file when it's the default xml type. If that's still an option, and is enabled, it could cause a delay relative to the file size Kind regards, Greg Feneis (Pixel 3) On Sun, Nov 17, 2019, 17:49 M. Rizwan Muzzammil wrote: >

Re: [GNC] Archiving transactions

2019-11-17 Thread M. Rizwan Muzzammil
Thanks for your reply. I do not believe it is a hardware issue as this is a new PC. I am running gnucash on Win10 and reading from a, relatively slowish but still very quick, local NVMe SSD. I am using the default file types. Does it make a difference if I change? If so to what other type and how

Re: [GNC] Archiving transactions

2019-11-17 Thread M. Rizwan Muzzammil
Thanks for your reply. I don't usually keep reports open so I do not believe it is a reason. Also I recall on an occasion where a report tab, that was kept open, took time to reload on activating the tab. So i assume that time was saved on opening. Will check later today. Slowness is perhaps due

Re: [GNC] Locked out of gnucash

2019-11-17 Thread David Carlson
A comment about Stan Brown's suggestion. I think a better and more accurate wording would be "The data file has not been cleanly closed since it was last opened. If you are sure that it was not opened by another user, click 'Open Anyway'. Otherwise click one of the other options." To me the imp

Re: [GNC] Moving from Sage Accounting and would like to keep sub-account totals viewable

2019-11-17 Thread Richard Danielson
Thanks David, Bruce and Adrien, Using account numbers in the name field is great.  I can sort on the numbers and get my accounts to look the same as in Simply Accounting.   Adrien's tip about the edit/options/display feature in income accounts allows me to get exactly what I had before.  It ju

Re: [GNC] Locked out of gnucash

2019-11-17 Thread Frank H. Ellenberger
Hello Stan et al. I like the idea. A short grep delivers 5 occurrences of likewise texts: 4 at and one further below:

Re: [GNC] Moving from Sage Accounting and would like to keep sub-account totals viewable

2019-11-17 Thread Michael or Penny Novack
On 11/16/2019 9:29 PM, David Carlson wrote: I searched the help for information on account codes but all I found was: I thought there used to be a lot more information than that. I know that you can use account codes in the account fie

Re: [GNC] Moving from Sage Accounting and would like to keep sub-account totals viewable

2019-11-17 Thread Adrien Monteleone
If you mean you want to roll up the sub-accounts into the parent, then go to Options > Display > Parent account balances: and set it to “Subtotal” instead of “Account Balance” Note, you should also not have any transactions in that parent account and set it to being a placeholder. If you don’t

Re: [GNC] Archiving transactions

2019-11-17 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Also note that leaving report tabs open when closing GnuCash will slow it down opening back up as each of those reports is loaded once again. (same goes for all tabs) If your workflow can handle it, either close all tabs except the Accounts tab before exiting, or, don’t close GnuCash unless you

Re: [GNC] [noob inside] Swiss account numbers

2019-11-17 Thread Frank H. Ellenberger
Hello Nicolas Michel, If you start the program as LANG=de_CH LANGUAGE=fr_ch gnucash (assuming you are french speaking) and inside go through File->New you will see the template chkmu with the description "Kontenrahmen fuer Schweizer KMU gem Walher Sterchi publiziert vom schweizerischen Gewerbeverb

[GNC] Moving from Sage Accounting and would like to keep sub-account totals viewable

2019-11-17 Thread Bruce Irving via gnucash-user
David: >I thought there used to be a lot more information than that.  I know that you can use account codes in the account fields when editing transactions instead of the tedious full tree account names.  Unfortunately, you cannot make the account drop-down-list show the account code numbers, you

Re: [GNC] Locked out of gnucash

2019-11-17 Thread Fred Bone
On 16 November 2019 at 19:17, Kay Robinson said: > Hi > > Whilst gnucash was minimised on my toolbar I had a short power outage. > When I re-booted the system I couldn't open my accounts because 'another > user was using them' I chose to open anyway, but couldn't save a change I > made. What do

Re: [GNC] gnucash 3.7.1 does not start on Macos 10.13.6

2019-11-17 Thread George Michalopoulos
thank you all, first of all i tried this: it didnt worked, and the github link is too complicated for me.. So i downloaded 2.6 and works fine :) On Sun, Nov 17, 2019 at 7:00 AM John Ralls wrote: > That's not GnuCash 3.7, it's a Gtk2 version. Not only that but it