David T,
That is what the above transactions and account structure does - implement
an accounts receivable structure without using the business features.
David Cousens
David Cousens
Sent from: http://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com/GnuCash-User-f1415819.html
This is my initial advice to a new user:
First skim through the Help manual up to chapter 6
Then start GnuCash following the instructions in chapter 3 and create a
test file with a minimal set of accounts. You should consider it to be a
throw-away test,
Of course, one could implement an accounts receivable structure without using
the business features. The user would create the appropriate accounts, and add
transactions to document things manually.
On Sat, Jan 5, 2019 at 4:14, David Cousens wrote:
The Answer is yes but to use
I am using GnuCash and I am trying to make a simple ledger checking account
register. I have it set to date of entry and after I get down to line 44 of
my entries I notice that the running balance is off. I have found that it
take the amount in the line expense amount in line 44 and a
> Message: 5
> Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2019 19:59:55 -0600
> From: Adrien Monteleone
> To: Gnucash Users
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Car loan with downpayment using a credit card
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> When you imported transactions, were the downpayment(s) not par
The Answer is yes but to use the inbuilt Accounts Receivable you would need
to use the Business features Invoicing and linking of payments to Invoices
An Accounts receivable is simply an Asset account with some additional
reporting capability attached to it so you simple create an as
On 1/4/19 10:59 AM, Aaron Laws wrote:
> I have a Health Savings Account in the United States as part of a
> high-deductible health insurance plan. It is an Asset account that holds my
> income tax-deductible money for use on medical expenses only. Every so
> often money is put into it:
> Assets:H
I have a Health Savings Account in the United States as part of a
high-deductible health insurance plan. It is an Asset account that holds my
income tax-deductible money for use on medical expenses only. Every so
often money is put into it:
David Goodenough-2 wrote
> The problem is that GC needs to be allocated a program ID which we have to
> keep secret,
> but needs to be issued to any user. No ID and GC users can not go through
> the OAuth2
> process every 18 months.
> GC could put the code on a web site and have the GC code r
Please be sure to e-mail this list on all replies.
I’m not quite understanding.
What tabs are visible when the application starts? (at the very least you
should have the “Accounts” tab)
What do you mean by ’shows the data that I have entered...”? Can you provide a
screenshot? (be sure
> On Jan 3, 2019, at 8:00 AM, Jon Leech wrote:
> (BTW, sorry for messing up the threading. I have had a pending
> subscription request since before I started this thread, which still
> hasn't been approved, so I'm limited to responding to messages that are
> CCed directly to me, or cutting
There was a "[GNC] AqBanking help for Citi CC" thread last October about
getting the City CC working with AqBanking. It seemed that the key was to
add a trailing space to the User ID. Specifically, the following settings
were reported to function properly by Jim Maki:
AqBanking Setup
==> User
Hello again.
I think I solved the problem.
I did what David suggested, but copied the whole doc, title and
all,after 'select all. Then I tried just the data, no title, it worked!
Offered me all the 'paste' options in calc
Don't ask me why!
Thanks, Barry
On 03/01/2019 13:09, Finbar Maho
On 4/1/19 12:00 am, Jon Leech wrote:
I don't know how typical my use case is, but that seems like an
unwise thing to do, in general. I wouldn't want to realize capital gains
or losses solely as a side effect of moving shares from one broker to
All brokers I have accounts with hav
Thanks, but I have found, via various 'tests', a set of options that
works. It requires a bit of homework, trying various combinations.
IMO, the options under edit>report options are sufficient, if a bit
laborious to set up. There is a 'bonus' if you have any spelling errors
in transactions, f
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