[GNC-dev] Using "main sections placeholder accounts" in chart of accounts' templates

2020-12-13 Thread Giuseppe Foti
Good morning, devs I'm opening a topic to discuss the practice to have main sections placeholders accounts in charts of accounts. In the embedded charts of accounts using those seem to be the standard, so in every chart of accounts are there placeholder accounts for: - Equity

[GNC-dev] Error Building Gnucash-docs-4.10

2022-03-27 Thread Giuseppe Foti
Hi, I just tryed to build gnucash-docs-4.10 on a gentoo machine with a custom ebuild. It failed using the same pattern used to build 4.9 and a "it" locale. It seems that with this commit [1]https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash-docs/commit/1ed9599a643705135a3ee 52b383b98d57d5b1