Thank you very much! Finally I was able to install and start gnucash after I
download slib2c5.tar.gz
Now my first difficulty: Importing QIF files. As soon as I select one to import
gnucash crash and disappearing.:((
I'll look in the Archive, but if you know the solution plese let me know also.
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Dakshi Agrawal writes:
> I have the same problem. There is a rpm package slib-???-rpm at gnucash
> site, but loading it did not help. Help please any one ??
> [ . . . ]
> On Wed, 14 Apr 1999, Steve Varadi wrote:
> > Please help me
I have the same problem. There is a rpm package slib-???-rpm at gnucash
site, but loading it did not help. Help please any one ??
Dakshi Agrawal
Office: (217)333-2148
Home : (217)328-1089
Please help me to start gnucash. I read everything regarding installation. It
seems to be OK, but not start. :((
bash-2.02# ./gnucash.motif
gnucash: startup-dir is /usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/startup
gnucash: startup-file is /usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/startup/init.scm
loading startup file /usr/