> > 2. Which of those "walks" are worthy of trying to build a GUI
> > in order to make them usable to non-Scheme-gurus?
> Since I don't know scheme (and only know enough lisp
> to tweak my .emacs), this is what I would like to see.
> Feel free to comment, argue, flame, whatever...
> 2. Which of those "walks" are worthy of trying to build a GUI
> in order to make them usable to non-Scheme-gurus?
Since I don't know scheme (and only know enough lisp
to tweak my .emacs), this is what I would like to see.
Feel free to comment, argue, flame, whatever...
Christopher Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> It sounds like the world "needs" some form of "transaction filter."
> That is, a mechanism whereby you walk through a set of transactions,
> with a function that evaluates the contents of each transaction,
> transforming it into another tra
On Mon, 24 Jul 2000 23:46:47 -0400, the world broke into rejoicing as
Jason Rennie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > This sounds like a restricted sort of "find and replace" operation.
> > It would be a handy thing to have on its own, not just as a part of a
> > QIF importer
> This sounds like a restricted sort of "find and replace" operation.
> It would be a handy thing to have on its own, not just as a part of a
> QIF importer. Some day I may want to go into "expenses:misc" and move
> all of the transactions with "Library" memos to a new "l
Glen Ditchfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> This sounds like a restricted sort of "find and replace" operation.
> It would be a handy thing to have on its own, not just as a part of
> a QIF importer. Some day I may want to go into "expenses:misc" and
> move all of the transactions with "Library
On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, Eric Mitchell wrote:
> ... The problem is that the bank does not have
> sufficient data to specify a category on my transactions. However,
> for the most part there's a 1-to-1 mapping from payee to category.
> For example, everything I pay to Petsmart gets filed under "Pets.