Am Fr, 14.09.2007, 13:36, schrieb Derek Atkins:
> Yes, I know. The server itself is still running FC4. I even mentioned
> on IRC yesterday that I need to try to find the time to update it to
> something more recent, like Fedora 7. Unfortunately I'm about 1100
> miles from the server right now.
Am Mo, 16.07.2007, 15:05, schrieb Ron Morse:
> First, congratulations on the new release. Well done to all. I know you
> don't get to hear it often enough, but we really appreciate your
> efforts .
Full ack!
gnucash-devel mailing list
You're right. As soon as possible for me, I will make
some test scenarios and post it here.
Am Fr, 15.06.2007, 15:34, schrieb Josh Sled:
> It might be helpful if you write up a description of the testing you did,
> and what the effects of the feature were. That might convince someon
Hello all
What is the status of this feature request?
Bug 106383 feature request: close year end
I know it's only a feature request, but I'd like to use such a feature.
Thank you for information.