And will be when Martin gets around to his next releases.
John Ralls
> On Feb 20, 2020, at 5:07 PM, chris graves wrote:
> Hi,
> Not sure what the notification process is to the Gnucash Team, but Martin has
> fixed the bug below, so if his fix could be incorporated in the flatpak
Not sure what the notification process is to the Gnucash Team, but Martin has
fixed the bug below, so if his fix could be incorporated in the flatpak
nightlies when/if appropriate, that would be appreciated.
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Martin Preuss via Aqbanking-us
Sorry to see you go.
You have, in one swoop, uncovered 3 issues:
1. S field being empty is not processed correctly. It would still be nice
if you could attach some screenshots from quicken, and a tiny qif.
2. Duplicated transactions. This happens because I think qif is not limited
to 1 account.
Found some answers to my own question. For example this:
Sorry for the bother.
On 2/20/20 9:45 AM, Jean Laroche wrote:
Do you guys know if someone has ever created a docker image to allow
building GC without having to install a bunch of stuff
Do you guys know if someone has ever created a docker image to allow
building GC without having to install a bunch of stuff? Asking before I
start setting up for building...
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