Christian Stimming writes:
> Am Samstag, 11. August 2012, 18:23:35 schrieb Geert Janssens:
>> I suspect there's only one automated builder in existence for GnuCash on
>> Windows, and that's our own build server. So I'll focus on this one only.
>> For this builder we have a set of scripts that
Geert Janssens writes:
> On 13-08-12 15:40, Derek Atkins wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Geert Janssens writes:
>>> On 13-08-12 00:47, Derek Atkins wrote:
Geert, nice work. Glad we have that working. One step closer.
>>> The only thing that still has to happen here is to activate git based
>>> buil
Geert Janssens writes:
> On 14-08-12 16:11, Derek Atkins wrote:
I just still feel that the master repo should be on code, and that the
committers should be able to push there. Then it can sync to github for
everyone else.
I suppose it could work in reverse, where the com