I was just informed from my ISP that they are performing network
maintenance tonight between 12m and 5am (US/EDT, so 0400-0900 UTC) on
March 15th, during which time I may (or may not) lose network
connectivity. This outage will affect SVN, Wiki, Email, Trac, and Logs,
amongst other services.
Op woensdag 14 maart 2012 09:55:40 schreef Robert Fewell:
> Hi,
> Just checked out latest trunk and make dist fails in directory
> accounts/sv_SE, looks like the file 'acctchrt_full.gnucash-xea' does not
> exist but I do not think it ever existed so the makefile is wrong.
Hi Robert,
Thanks for
I am Parthasarathy.G from IIT Madras ( India ). I am a Second year CSE
student. I am interested in contributing to GnuCash in Google Summer of
Code this year. Can anyone please guide me regarding this?
thanks in advance,
gnucash-devel mailing
Again, please remember to CC the list on ALL REPLIES using your mailer's
reply-to-list or reply-all functionality.
If you search the sources you will find that display-comm-coll-total is
defined in src/report/report-system/eguile-html-utilities.scm -- you
would need to change this function similar
Just checked out latest trunk and make dist fails in directory
accounts/sv_SE, looks like the file 'acctchrt_full.gnucash-xea' does not
exist but I do not think it ever existed so the makefile is wrong.
gnucash-devel mailing list