I thought I sent the Brazilian Portuguese glossary to the mailing
list, but I just checked and it's not in SVN. I know it's not included
in the releases, but we need it to translate GnuCash consistently.
Please include it both in trunk and in branch 2.2. Thanks!
PS: we are working on the accounts
Derek Atkins wrote:
> No offense to you, but I'm not sure I'd trust a third-party website
> with my banking login information.
Same here. I'd be interested in a screen scraping plugin for gnucash
itself that went straight to my bank, but I'm certainly not happy to
trust my bank login informati
No offense to you, but I'm not sure I'd trust a third-party website
with my banking login information.
"David Barrett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Thanks for the tips. I've got the code and am attempting to build, but
> before I get too deep into it I'm curious if I build this, will an
Thanks for the tips. I've got the code and am attempting to build, but
before I get too deep into it I'm curious if I build this, will anybody use
it? So a question to anyone who gets this:
Are you interested in an importer that downloads your transaction data
straight from your banking website?