MAINT: 15 minutes downtime tomorrow at 12 noon US/EST

2006-03-29 Thread Derek Atkins
Hi, at 12 noon EST I plan to perform some scheduled maintenence of the gnucash server. Mail, Subversion, CVS, Wiki, Trac, and other services provided by the gnucash main server will be unavailable for about 15 minutes. I'm hoping it will take less than 15 minutes, but you never know. Up to the

Re: Problem converting accounts

2006-03-29 Thread Derek Atkins
I don't understand what you're trying to do here. The gnucash-xea files are not docbook files. They are GnuCash Example Account hiersrchies. -derek Quoting Pawan Chitrakar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Please advice on converting docbook accounts file to po and vice versa coz xml2po doesnot keep al

Problem converting accounts

2006-03-29 Thread Pawan Chitrakar
Please advice on converting docbook accounts file to po and vice versa coz xml2po doesnot keep all the xml tag like for example The commands i used are xml2po -o ne.po -k acctchrt_brokerage.gnucash-xea xml2po -o ne.xml -p ne.po -k acctchrt_brokerage.gnucash-xea ---

Re: Online update of Currencies in r13704

2006-03-29 Thread Bengt Thuree
On Wed, 2006-03-29 at 21:11 +1100, Bengt Thuree wrote: > Hi > > I just created a new GnuCash file. > Added the following currencies > ISO4217 > HKD > HKD AUD > SEK SEK AUD > USD > USD AUD > > The I click on Get Quotes, but get as a pop

Online update of Currencies in r13704

2006-03-29 Thread Bengt Thuree
Hi I just created a new GnuCash file. Added the following currencies ISO4217 HKD HKD AUD SEK SEK AUD USD USD AUD The I click on Get Quotes, but get as a popup window that no Commodity has been selected for quote retrieval. I