Strings added in File Roller

2007-02-05 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hi, I've added the strings "Enter the password for the archive '%s'." and "Password required" to the file-roller module. This was necessary in order to make the password dialog HIG compliant. Paolo. ___ gnome-i18n mailing list h

Changed string in file-roller

2007-02-12 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hi, in the extract dialog changed the accel key to 't' for "Re-create folders" option so it doesn't conflict with the "Extract" action. Regards, Paolo. ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

feature/string freeze for gthumb

2007-02-28 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hi, gthumb is now in feature and string freeze mode, so feel free to translate it. The current plan is to release the 2.10 stable version in sync with GNOME 2.18.0 Regards, Paolo. ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

gthumb branched

2007-03-27 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hi, I have created a gthumb-2-10 branch for the gthumb module that will be used for bugfix releases of the 2.10 series, trunk will be used to develop what will be called version 2.12. Regards, Paolo. ___ gnome-i18n mailing list ht

file-roller branched

2007-03-31 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hi, I have created a gnome-2-18 branch for the file-roller module that will be used for bugfix releases of the 2.18 series, trunk will be used to develop what will be called version 2.20. The new development cycle should bring GNOME-VFS support (#152920) and other minor features still to be de

file-roller branched

2007-12-15 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hello, I've just created the gnome-2-20 branch for the file-roller SVN module. As usual the trunk branch will be used to develop the next stable version, while gnome-2-20 will be used for maintenance of the 2.20.x series. - Paolo ___ gnome-i18n mai

file-roller string and ui changes

2008-01-06 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hi, I've added to file-roller the ability to update the files in an archive when the files are modified with an external application. To implement this feature I've added some new string to translate too. Regards, Paolo. ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

file-roller string and ui changes

2008-01-09 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hi, I've added to file-roller the ability to find a file by name using the Edit->Find command or Ctrl-F. To implement this feature I've added a new string as well. Regards, Paolo. ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

file-roller branched

2008-03-23 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hello, the file-roller module has been branched. The gnome-2-22 branch is used for future 2.22.x versions; trunk will be used for the new development series. The current plan is to port file-roller to GIO. Regards, Paolo ___ gnome-i18n mailing lis

file-roller ui and string changes

2008-07-28 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hello, file-roller has changed the UI of the new archive dialog adding a "other options" button to view advance create options, and now there is a help button in the create dialog used when creating an archive with the file manager contextual menu. Also the user's manual has been updated by

file-roller branched

2009-01-05 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hello, I've just created the gnome-2-24 branch for the file-roller SVN module. As usual the trunk branch will be used to develop the next stable version, while gnome-2-24 will be used for maintenance of the 2.24.x series. Happy new year, Paolo ___

quick-lounge-applet branched

2009-01-30 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hello, I've just created the quick-lounge-applet-2-12 branch for the quick-lounge-applet SVN module. As usual the trunk branch will be used to develop the next stable version, while quick-lounge-applet-2-12 will be used for maintenance of the 2.12.x series. - Paolo _

quick-lounge-applet migrated to gnome-doc-utils

2009-01-31 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hello, I have ported the quick-lounge-applet module documentation to gnome-doc-utils. I tried to migrate the translations to the new format as described in, but I couldn't succeed, so you have to do the work by yourselves. The .xml tr

quick-lounge-applet feature/ui/string freeze

2009-02-17 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hello, the quick-lounge-applet module is now in feature/ui/string freeze mode, so you can update the translation and the documentation without fear of wasting your time :) Ciao, Paolo. ___ gnome-i18n mailing list http://mail.gno

file-roller 2.26 branched

2009-04-30 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hello, I've just created the gnome-2-26 branch for the file-roller module. the master branch will be used to develop the next stable version, while the gnome-2-26 branch will be used for maintenance of the 2.26.x stable series. Ciao, Paolo. ___ g

[file-roller] Created branch gnome-2-28

2009-10-23 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
The branch 'gnome-2-28' was created pointing to: 3aca8c9... updated for version 2.28.1 ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

file-roller branched

2009-10-23 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hello, I've just created the gnome-2-28 branch for the file-roller module. the master branch will be used to develop the next stable version, while the gnome-2-28 branch will be used for maintenance of the 2.28.x stable series. - Paolo ___ gnome-i1

goobox branched

2009-11-13 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hello, I've created the goobox-2-0 branch for the goobox git module. As usual the trunk branch will be used to develop the next stable version, while goobox-2-0 will be used for maintenance of the 2.0.x series. - Paolo ___ gnome-i18n mailing list g

file-roller string changes

2010-02-04 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hello, some string changes in the file-roller module, (bug #*608704* ): diff --git a/data/ui/batch-add-files.ui b/data/ui/batch-add-files.ui index f387e3f..4822e77 100644 --- a/data/ui/batch-add-files.ui +++ b/data/ui/batch-add-files.ui @@ -19

[file-roller] Created branch gnome-2-30

2010-05-03 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
The branch 'gnome-2-30' was created pointing to: 9bd82ed... updated for version ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

[file-roller] Created branch gnome-2-32

2010-10-04 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
The branch 'gnome-2-32' was created pointing to: 8f38b7e... Updated Slovak translation ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

gthumb 2.12 branched

2010-11-12 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hello, I just created the gthumb-2-12 branch for the gthumb git module, which will be used for maintenance of the 2.12.x stable series, the master branch will be used to develop the next major version. - Paolo ___ gnome-i18n mailing list gnome-i18n@

[file-roller] (3 commits) Created branch gnome-3-0

2011-07-12 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
The branch 'gnome-3-0' was created. Summary of new commits: 371a456... bumped version number to 3.1.0 7e77dd7... removed unused forward declaration fbb39fc... drag and drop: use the clicked row as drag icon ___ gnome-i18n mailing list gnome-i18n@g

gthumb branched for version 2.14

2011-10-15 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hi, the gthumb module has a new branch called gthumb-2-14 which will be used for the upcoming 2.14.0 version and the future minor version releases, the master branch will be used to develop the next major release. - Paolo ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: gthumb branched for version 2.14

2011-10-15 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Il 15/10/2011 19:18, Mario Blättermann ha scritto: Am 15.10.2011 16:33, schrieb Paolo Bacchilega: Hi, the gthumb module has a new branch called gthumb-2-14 which will be used for the upcoming 2.14.0 version and the future minor version releases, the master branch will be used to develop the

[file-roller] Created branch gnome-3-2

2011-10-21 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
The branch 'gnome-3-2' was created pointing to: 6a69a8e... updated for version 3.2.1 ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

gthumb feature/ui/string freeze

2012-03-25 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hello, the gthumb module (master branch) is now in feature/ui/string freeze mode. - Paolo ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

[file-roller] Created branch gnome-3-4

2012-05-30 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
The branch 'gnome-3-4' was created pointing to: 8806162... Updated Latvian translation ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

goobox branched

2012-06-03 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hello, I've created the goobox-3-0 branch for the goobox git module. The master branch will be used to develop the new version, while goobox-3-0 will be used for maintenance of the 3.0.x series. - Paolo ___ gnome-i18n mailing list gnome-i18n@gnome.

gThumb 3.0 branched

2012-08-02 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hello, I just created the gthumb-3-0 branch for the gthumb git module, which will be used for maintenance of the 3.0.x stable series, the master branch will be used to develop the next major release. - Paolo ___ gnome-i18n mailing list gnome-i18n@gn

[file-roller] Created branch gnome-3-6

2012-11-27 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
The branch 'gnome-3-6' was created pointing to: ff37bbe... help: typo fixes, bug 673128 ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

goobox module in feature/string/ui freeze

2013-01-14 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hello, just to announce that the goobox module is now in feature/ui/string freeze mode, then it is a good moment to update the translations. - Paolo ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

gthumb module in feature/string/ui freeze

2013-03-04 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hello, the gthumb module is in feature/ui/string freeze mode now, so please update the translations. - Paolo ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

gThumb 3.2 branched

2013-04-04 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hello, I just created the gthumb-3-2 branch for the gthumb git module, which will be used for maintenance of the 3.2.x stable series, the master branch will be used to develop the next major release. - Paolo ___ gnome-i18n mailing list gnome-i18n@gn

[file-roller] Created branch gnome-3-8

2013-04-27 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
The branch 'gnome-3-8' was created pointing to: 3a9b364... Fix Low German header ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

goobox branched

2013-06-20 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hello, I've created the goobox-3-2 branch for the goobox git module. The master branch will be used to develop the new version, while goobox-3-2 will be used for maintenance of the 3.2.x series. - Paolo ___ gnome-i18n mailing list gnome-i18n@gnome.

gthumb branched for 2.6 series

2005-04-09 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hi, the gthumb 2.6.x series is in the gthumb-2-6 branch now. Regards, Paolo. ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

File Roller branched

2005-04-15 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hello, the File Roller 2.10.x series is in the gnome-2-10 branch now, HEAD will be used to develop the 2.12 version. Regards, Paolo. ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

file-roller and gnome-doc-utils

2005-08-05 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hi, the file-roller help system has just been modified to use gnome-doc-utils. Regards, Paolo. ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

file-roller branched

2005-10-24 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
I've just created a gnome-2-12 branch for the 2.12.x series, HEAD will be used to develop version 2.14. The plan for 2.14 is to fix the following bugs: #109767: Changes made to files in an archive should update the archive #311673: Replace Location bar with Path Bar #316364: Nautilus dependency s

file-roller branched

2006-06-20 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hi, the file-roller module has now a gnome-2-14 branch for version 2.14, HEAD will be used to develop version 2.16 Plans for 2.16 are: browse bugzilla and fix bugs. Regards, Paolo. ___ gnome-i18n mailing list http://mail.gnome.or

gthumb branched for 2.8 series

2006-10-08 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hi, the gthumb 2.7.x/2.8.x series is developed in the gthumb-2-8 branch now. Regards, Paolo. ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: gthumb branched for 2.8 series

2006-10-08 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Il giorno lun, 09/10/2006 alle 13.08 +0800, Abel Cheung ha scritto: > On 10/8/06, Paolo Bacchilega <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > the gthumb 2.7.x/2.8.x series is developed in the gthumb-2-8 branch now. > > Thanks for the notification, does this mean there will be more > 2

file-roller branched

2006-10-11 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hi, I have created a gnome-2-16 branch for the file-roller module, HEAD will be used to develop the 2.17.x/2.18.x series. Regards, Paolo. ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

[file-roller] Created branch gnome-3-10

2013-10-27 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
The branch 'gnome-3-10' was created pointing to: d5a34c6... Fixed crash when clicking the open button after creation ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

[file-roller] Created branch gnome-3-12

2014-04-27 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
The branch 'gnome-3-12' was created pointing to: 65469c7... Updated Greek translation ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

[file-roller] Created branch gnome-3-14

2014-10-26 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
The branch 'gnome-3-14' was created pointing to: bbce62a... updated for version 3.14.1 ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

goobox module in feature/string/ui freeze

2015-02-16 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hello, the goobox module is now in feature/ui/string freeze mode, the master branch will eventually become version 3.4.0. - Paolo ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: goobox module in feature/string/ui freeze

2015-02-16 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Il 16/02/2015 23:16, Alexandre Franke ha scritto: On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 9:36 PM, Paolo Bacchilega wrote: Hello, Hi, the goobox module is now in feature/ui/string freeze mode, the master branch will eventually become version 3.4.0. Thanks for the heads up. Do you have a release date

gthumb module in feature/string/ui freeze

2015-03-30 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hello, the gthumb module is in feature/ui/string freeze mode now, please update the translations. The final release is expected in three/four weeks. - Paolo ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

[file-roller] Created branch gnome-3-16

2015-12-13 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
The branch 'gnome-3-16' was created pointing to: 9ba0e35... Updated Czech translation ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

gThumb 3.4 branched

2015-12-17 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
Hello, I just created the gthumb-3-4 branch for the gthumb git module, which will be used for maintenance of the 3.4.x stable series, the master branch will be used to develop the next major release. - Paolo ___ gnome-i18n mailing list gnome-i18n@gn

[file-roller] Created branch gnome-3-20

2016-08-17 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
The branch 'gnome-3-20' was created pointing to: 407ead2... Updated Hebrew translation ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

[file-roller] Created branch gnome-3-22

2017-03-01 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
The branch 'gnome-3-22' was created pointing to: 3bf4c97... updated for version 3.22.3 ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

[file-roller] Created branch gnome-3-24

2017-05-02 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
The branch 'gnome-3-24' was created pointing to: e6ef6fa... updated for version 3.24.1 ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

[file-roller] Created branch gnome-3-26

2017-10-14 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
The branch 'gnome-3-26' was created pointing to: 251b91e... [l10n] Updated Catalan (Valencian) translation ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

[file-roller] Created branch gnome-3-30

2018-10-08 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
The branch 'gnome-3-30' was created pointing to: 7962fba... updated for version 3.30.1 ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

[file-roller] Created branch gnome-3-32

2019-10-12 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
The branch 'gnome-3-32' was created pointing to: 45542a7... Update Basque translation ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

[file-roller] Created branch gnome-3-36

2020-07-18 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
The branch 'gnome-3-36' was created pointing to: fc6bbed... Update Chinese (Taiwan) translation ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

[file-roller] Created branch gnome-3-38

2021-04-04 Thread Paolo Bacchilega
The branch 'gnome-3-38' was created pointing to: 3b716ed... Merge branch 'programmer_ceds/file-roller-PasswordEnterKey' ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

gthumb module in feature/string/ui freeze

2017-09-11 Thread Paolo Bacchilega via gnome-i18n
Hello, the gthumb module is in feature/ui/string freeze mode now, please update the translations. The final release is expected in three/four weeks. - Paolo ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

gThumb 3.6 branched

2018-04-16 Thread Paolo Bacchilega via gnome-i18n
Hello, I just created the gthumb-3-6 branch for the gthumb git module, which will be used for maintenance of the 3.6.x stable series, the master branch will be used to develop the next major release. - Paolo ___ gnome-i18n mailing list gnome-i18n@gn

goobox branched

2018-08-19 Thread Paolo Bacchilega via gnome-i18n
Hello, I've created the goobox-3-4 branch for the goobox git module. The master branch will be used to develop the new version, while goobox-3-4 will be used for maintenance of the 3.4.x series. - Paolo ___ gnome-i18n mailing list gnome-i18n@gnome.

gthumb and goobox module in feature/string/ui freeze

2019-03-11 Thread Paolo Bacchilega via gnome-i18n
Hello, the gthumb and goobox modules are in feature/ui/string freeze mode now, please update the translations. The final release is expected in three/four weeks for both modules. - Paolo ___ gnome-i18n mailing list https://mail

gthumb module in feature/string/ui freeze

2020-03-22 Thread Paolo Bacchilega via gnome-i18n
Hello, the gthumb master branch is in feature/ui/string freeze mode now, so it's a good moment to update the translations. Thank you, Paolo. ___ gnome-i18n mailing list