Hi all,
I noticed a new string was not in the g-c-c module's PO file and also
noticed that the POT date was from July 20 (3 days ago), so I tried to
manually sync it by pressing the refresh button for master branch.
The following error message was displayed:
[Errno 1] Command: "if [ -e .gitmodule
On Wed, 2020-07-22 at 04:04 +0900, Adwait Rawat via gnome-i18n wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a GSoC intern working on a feature update for gnome-games.
> I'm facing some problems regarding linking descriptor files to gettext.
> The descriptor files in question are .libretro key files that contain
> inf
here's a link to one of the said libretro file
gnome-i18n mailing list
четвер, 23 липня 2020 р. 18:31:19 EEST Adwait Rawat via gnome-i18n написано:
> here's a link to one of the said libretro file
> https://gitlab.gnome.org/adwaitrawat/gnome-games/-/blob/adwait/translatable_
> name/flatpak/libretro-cores/nestopia.libretro#L18
> Thanks,
> Adwait
This looks lik