Apologies, I send the mail to Johannes only. Resending it to the list.
Nilamdyuti Goswami
Original Message
Subject:Re: Request for Assamese language team coordinatorship
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 12:41:34 +0530
From: Nilamdyuti Goswami
Reply-To: ngo
I have been busy with some travelling and hence with very less access to
mails. I will be back in action from November 15th.
Nilam, sorry for not being able to commit your files earlier. Please keep
sending the files to me after November 15th and I will be more than happy
to commit them for y
Le lundi 31 octobre 2011 à 07:53 +0200, F Wolff a écrit :
> Op So, 2011-10-23 om 23:27 +0200 skryf Johannes Schmid:
> > Hi!
> >
> > Am Sonntag, den 23.10.2011, 23:18 +0200 schrieb F Wolff:
> > > I'm helping someone get started in GNOME localisation for Xhosa. I
> > > contacted Adi Attar, the liste