Le jeudi 06 janvier 2011 à 00:05 +, Kizito Birabwa a écrit :
> I have some more Luganda translations for GNOME.
> I am having problems uploading on my account - everything goes into
> 'archived'
> and will not list as current actions.
> Could someone with access to GIT please commit
Are these typos?
$ grep -rni fortan anjuta
anjuta/plugins/am-project/am-properties.c:145: {N_("Fortan compiler
anjuta/plugins/am-project/am-properties.c:272: {N_("Fortan compiler
anjuta/plugins/am-project/am-properties.c:424: {N_("Fortan compiler
2011/1/6 Andika Triwidada :
> Are these typos?
Most likely. Please bug report at
(also linked to from http://l10n.gnome.org/module/anjuta/).
gnome-i18n ma
On Thu, 2011-01-06 at 20:53 +0700, Andika Triwidada wrote:
> Are these typos?
> $ grep -rni fortan anjuta
> anjuta/plugins/am-project/am-properties.c:145:{N_("Fortan
> compiler flags:"),
> anjuta/plugins/am-project/am-properties.c:272:{N_("Fortan
> compiler flag
On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 8:57 PM, Christian Rose wrote:
> 2011/1/6 Andika Triwidada :
>> Are these typos?
> Most likely. Please bug report at
> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=anjuta&component=core%20application
> (also linked to from http://l10n.gnome.org/module/anjuta/).
> Ch
Thanks for catching this:
gnome-i18n mailing list
Thank you.
OK (about the "inform of submission").
'common' and 'popular' are NOT the same as 'best' and 'highest quality'.
- Original Message
From: Claude Paroz
To: Kizito Birabwa
Sent: Thu, 6 January, 2011 9:29:03
Subject: Re: New translation of gtk+
Le jeudi 06 janvier 2011 à 08:39 +0100, Olav Vitters a écrit :
> git.gnome.org doesn't accept it from you. But I can still (forcefully)
> run the command if you're ok with it :)
> scripts have exceptions for sysadmins and so on
I created a branch gcompris-8-4-13 to keep track of the lates
On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 12:54 AM, Kizito Birabwa wrote:
> Could somebody with GIT access help and commit these Luganda translations for
> me
> please?
It would be best if you got an git account for yourself or for someone
from the Luganda team.
There are very many GNOME modules, and sending an