p 2.6 heu d'anar a les branques ja:
> http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/gimp/branches/gimp-2-6/
> A trunk ja hi ha el que serà el 2.7
> Salut!
> fitxer adjunt missatge de correu electrònic, "Missatge reenviat - Re:
> gimp branched for 2.7"
> > -
Hi ha un parell de cadenes noves al gimp 2.6 (tot i que no afecten
pràcticament gens a la interfície).
Per agafar les traduccions del gimp 2.6 heu d'anar a les branques ja:
A trunk ja hi ha el que serà el 2.7
gil forcada
On Thu, 2008-10-09 at 20:08 +0200, Claude Paroz wrote:
> Thanks, l10n.gnome.org is now tracking gimp-2-6 branch.
Thanks a lot.
Unfortunately we had to introduce two new strings in the stable gimp-2-6
branch in order to fix a bug. Most users will most likely never use the
dialogs where the n
Le jeudi 09 octobre 2008 à 00:55 +0200, Sven Neumann a écrit :
> Hi,
> we have released gimp 2.6.1 tonight. And, as announced, we created a
> branch for stable GIMP 2.6.x releases. I suggest that you work on
> translations in the gimp-2-6 branch until further notice.
Thanks, l10n.gnome.org is n
we have released gimp 2.6.1 tonight. And, as announced, we created a
branch for stable GIMP 2.6.x releases. I suggest that you work on
translations in the gimp-2-6 branch until further notice.
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