Two things about this sentence: "... alternative to copy and past and
drag and drop."
in users-files.page line 75.
1. s/past /paste /
2. would it be better (less prone to translation error etc) to write it as
" ... alternative to copy & paste and drag & drop."
" ... alternative to copy-
Hi everyone,
Shouldn't we use "OpenOffice.org" instead of "OpenOffice" in the release
Bob Mauchin.
gnome-i18n mailing list
On Tue, 2007-09-11 at 23:11 +0930, Clytie Siddall wrote:
> Hi everyone :)
> ___
> Orca's main advantage is its application-specific support. This means
> that
> it has an understanding of the specific user interaction models of
> particular applications in addition to the general meta-informa
Hi everyone :)
Orca's main advantage is its application-specific support. This means
it has an understanding of the specific user interaction models of
particular applications in addition to the general meta-information
available via the ATK tooklkit (and the AT-SPI system). For insta