Den 29-04-2019 kl. 16:59 skrev Piotr Drąg:
pon., 29 kwi 2019 o 16:45 scootergrisen via gnome-i18n
Thanks it got committed now.
Can i see it in
in like a little time like a day or something?
Or does it only show when a new rel
Den 29-04-2019 kl. 16:55 skrev Rafael Fontenelle:
Just give it a few hours (not sure how much time exactly) and your
translation should show up.
Cool its already updated on now.
gnome-i18n mailing list
pon., 29 kwi 2019 o 16:45 scootergrisen via gnome-i18n
> Thanks it got committed now.
> Can i see it in
> in like a little time like a day or something?
> Or does it only show when a new release is made?
It refreshes automati
Just give it a few hours (not sure how much time exactly) and your
translation should show up.
Em seg, 29 de abr de 2019 11:45, scootergrisen
> Den 29-04-2019 kl. 16:11 skrev Rafael Fontenelle:
> > Hi,
> >
> > In my experience, the translation submissions are solved very fast.
> > Last
Den 29-04-2019 kl. 16:11 skrev Rafael Fontenelle:
In my experience, the translation submissions are solved very fast.
Last translation I submitted was in 2018-08-11, and it was processed
in the very same day:
Maybe the maintainer didn't see it
In my experience, the translation submissions are solved very fast.
Last translation I submitted was in 2018-08-11, and it was processed
in the very same day:
Maybe the maintainer didn't see it or didn't have the time to work on it?
Rafael Fonte