Hi all,
I'm working on an im-/export of translations so plone can be used as the
cms for www.gnome.org.
My current prototype exports the translatable content as html files and
works with xml2po's xhtml mode.
For the import I need to carry some more information inside the html files.
First I thoug
Hi Kenneth,
--On Montag, Juni 15, 2009 13:42:29 +0200
Kenneth Nielsen wrote:
However, we're unsure how graphics/pictures are translated.
One possibility for handling localised graphics/pictures is the one
currently used for the software documentation. It has the obvious
advantage that
Hi Kenneth,
I have had a look at the proposal. From what I can see it looks fine. What
matters to us is that we can maintain the same workflows (fetch,
translate, proofread, corrections, upload) that we usually use. From how
I understand the proposal it will ultimately become possible to use
Hi Shaun,
Hi Danilo,
Hi all,
I took the liberty to cc Shaun and Danilo as the gnome-doc-utils
maintainers (I don't know if you're subscribed to this list). If there
is someone else to be involved that can help feel free to cc.
We are developing a new w.g.o. (with plone again) and work on a trans