Dear translators,
thanks for the amazing work on Pika Backup
""; so far!
The string freeze for the first release with i18n support is starting as
of now. I'm planning to release Pika Backup v0.2 not earlier than
December 23.
I get this error for gimp.master:
"“[Errno 1] Command: "['git', 'commit', '-m', 'Update Icelandic
translation', '--author', 'Sveinn í Felli ']", Error: b'# On branch
master\n# Untracked files:\n# (use "git add ..." to include in what will
be committed)\n#\n#\tbuild/flatpak/flathub/\nnothin
Hello folks
When tried to send simple-scan translation via Damned Lies received the
same error as reported previously in the email thread:
“[Errno 1] Command: "['git', 'push', 'origin', 'master']", Error:
Warning: Permanently added ',' (ECDSA) to
the list of