This is an automatic notification from status generation scripts on:
There have been following string additions to module 'gitg.gnome-3-30':
+ "%b %e %Y, %H∶%M"
+ "%b %e %Y, %I∶%M %p"
+ "%b %e, %H∶%M"
+ "%b %e, %I∶%M %p"
+ "Are you sure you want to permanen
Le 04.11.18 à 04:55, Rafael Fontenelle a écrit :
Hello, Claude
Em sáb, 3 de nov de 2018 às 17:41, Claude Paroz escreveu:
I've committed experimental support to DL for login with a GNOME account.
Currently, the link is only av
The branch 'gnome-3-30' was created pointing to:
b2ac838... Merge branch 'bochecha/flatpak' into 'master'
gnome-i18n mailing list
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for sharing your script. I’ve got my own scripts too to upload to Git.
Unfortunately, I lost access grant once GNOME was migrated to GitLab. I asked
for access permission, but sysadmin replied if safer to avoid translators to
access whole source code.
That’s why I’ve gotta up
Thanks for the feature Claude!
Login works as expected using my GNOME account. What i noticed is that it
uses/creates a username with the format NameSurname (TomTryfonidis),
instead of my GNOME one (tomtryf), which other services use.
Is this intended as part of the testing phase, or this is how i