> ```HTML
> GB/T 15834 4.11
> 4.11 省略号
> 标号的一种,表示语段中某些内容的省略及意义的断续等。省略号的形式是“……”。
> 4.11.3 基本用法
> 表示引文的省略:我们齐声朗诵起来:“……俱佳矣,数风流
> 人物,还看今朝”
> 表示列举或重复词语的省略:他气得连声说:“好,好……算
> 我没说。”
> ```
Use `` instead to take locale into consideration. Replace
those text with random menu item names to see how
>> How it looks ('ugly') is entirely determined by the font though. It
>> sounds like you are trying to work around a font problem with a
>> system-wide string change. I don't think that is the best strategy.
Well, it's not a strategy. It's like people placing cactus next to
computers to absorb 'r
The branch 'gnome-3-18' was created pointing to:
320f61c... Release 3.18.1
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This is an automatic notification from status generation scripts on:
There have been following string additions to module 'libgdata.master':
+ "Parent folder not found"
Note that this doesn't directly indicate a string freeze break, but it
might be worth investigating.