This is an automatic notification from status generation scripts on:
There have been following string additions to module 'evolution.gnome-3-16':
+ "If set to 'true', the Sign and Encrypt buttons for either PGP or S/MIME are
always shown in the composer's toolbar. Otherwis
This is an automatic notification from status generation scripts on:
There have been following string additions to module 'zenity.gnome-3-16':
+ "Add an extra button"
+ "Do not enable Pango markup"
+ "Enable HTML support"
+ "Give Cancel button focus by default"
The branch 'gnome-3-16' was created pointing to:
f5f3093... Fixed link
gnome-i18n mailing list
El 17/11/2014 a les 23:38, Gil Forcada ha escrit:
Hi all,
currently on if you want an overview of how much
translations you have made on GIMP you can only see the stable (2.8
right now) version of it, but not the master branches.
Would it be ok to also add the master branches to