On Wed, 2014-02-05 at 12:50 +, Fòram na Gàidhlig wrote:
> I just got another error in a different module:
> https://l10n.gnome.org/vertimus/gcompris/master/po/gd
Please file bug reports in the bugtracker at bugzilla.gnome.org.
Andre Klapper | ak...@gmx.net
I just got another error in a different module:
An error occurred during applying your action: The commit failed. The
error was: '[Errno 1] To ssh://git.gnome.org/git/gcompris
a774ddf..b387cbe master -> master ! [rejected] gcomprixogoo ->
The problem is in a new feature of Damned Lies and, therefore, you should
file a bug report for the module "damned-lies"
Rafael Ferreira
2014-02-05 Fòram na Gàidhlig :
> While trying to submit this translation to the repository:
> https://l10n.gnome.org/vertimus/gtk+/master/po-propert
While trying to submit this translation to the repository:
I got the following error message:
An error occurred during applying your action: The commit failed. The
error was: '[Errno 1] remote: translations user cannot modify