Dear Gnome Localizers,
The AbiWord team is nearing a 3.0 release (no firm date set),, but the
e are a number of languages that could use some additional L10n work.
Any contributions you could make to this fine FLOSS word processor
would be greatly appreciated.
Sugar Lab
On 05/19/2012 03:11 AM, Claude Paroz wrote:
You should at least published your temporary work to a branch
so as we can see and reproduce your issue. It is difficult to answer
without even knowing the structure of your file.
Yeah, that would make sense, wouldn't it? ;) Sorry.
2012/5/15 Joanmarie Diggs :
> On 05/15/2012 12:31 AM, Matthias Clasen wrote:
>> At the release team meeting last weekend, we've discussed that we want
>> to revitalize the Gnome Goals [1] effort by adopting a few goals for
>> this cycle. We've chosen the following goals:
>> GSettingsMigration
Le samedi 19 mai 2012 à 00:55 -0400, Joanmarie Diggs a écrit :
> Hey all.
> As part of some refactoring I am doing, some code with strings is being
> moved into Orca's file. When I run
>intltool-update -p
> I get an 'unknown.pot' file which DOES have the strings I'd expect from