Just wanted to let you know that I branched the stable tree off into the
"gnome-2-26" branch. trunk will be used for development again.
The MaintainersCorner page says I should give a little Roadmap.
Well, of course we'd like to get as much done as possible as time
permits. ;-)
See Claudio's
Le dimanche 05 avril 2009 à 12:22 -0300, Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle a
écrit :
> So Djihed Afifi should start signing ChangeLogs, commit messages etc. as
<ترجمات? And Danilo Šegan as друге стране?
> That would make it very hard for me to recognize them.
Don't forget there is always the email
Original Message
Subject: drivel 2.0.4-1: Please translate the package drivel
From:"Neil Williams"
Date:Sun, April 5, 2009 6:32 pm
To: "Debian Internationalization"
So Djihed Afifi should start signing ChangeLogs, commit messages etc. as
ترجمات? And Danilo Šegan as друге стране?
That would make it very hard for me to recognize them.
By the way, those names are random text. I didn't find Djihed's name in
the Arabic script; and Danilo's name is Данило Шеган.
2009-04-04 klockan 17:49 skrev Petr Kovar:
> On a similar note, do you guys think it's a good practice to use localized
> translators', committers' etc. personal names, or is it better to stick with
> the good old ASCII? That is, considering languages with Latin-based
> alphabet primarily.
> Che
Il giorno dom, 05/04/2009 alle 11.03 +0200, Matej Urban ha scritto:
> Oh, what is with http://l10n.gnome.org/module/system-tools-backends/
> which shows in 2.26. I can not "guess" the correct command. The git
> clone ssh://usern...@git.gnome.org/git/system-tools-backends returns
> error.
From what
Oh, what is with http://l10n.gnome.org/module/system-tools-backends/
which shows in 2.26. I can not "guess" the correct command. The git
clone ssh://usern...@git.gnome.org/git/system-tools-backends returns
gnome-i18n mailing list
> Hi Stéphane,
> Feel free to make the correction as you see suitable.
gnome-i18n mailing list