> Is there a fast way to find the location of an untranslated message?
> >
> > For example I wann translate "Add/Remove..." string, how I can find out
> > its po file?
> Search for string in /usr/share/locale-langpack/. If you can't find it,
> try installing locales that have more translations
> Hi,
> Is there a fast way to find the location of an untranslated message?
> For example I wann translate "Add/Remove..." string, how I can find out
> its po file?
Search for string in /usr/share/locale-langpack/. If you can't find it,
try installing locales that have more translations tha
Is there a fast way to find the location of an untranslated message?
For example I wann translate "Add/Remove..." string, how I can find out
its po file?
gnome-i18n mailing list
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Imendio AB - Expert solutions in GTK+
Le lundi 19 mai 2008 à 19:47 -0700, Zabeeh khan a écrit :
> Please upload these files to SVN... Below is the bug number:
> Bug 533060
Hello Zabeeh khan,
Please consider this:
- Set the subject of the message correctly.
- Plain text message is preferred on this list, rather than HTML.
- There is