Yes I did resign.I am no longer gnome translation coordinator.My only concern was: who is this person? as no name and no further information was mentioned. Will he take coordination away from Arabeyes?-> so the question.
Well I wouldn't have reacted in any other way anyway unless he/she mentioned t
Hi Christian,I don't know anything about a sinplomo!Sinplomo can you please tell us, especially Arabeyes, who you are?Thanks for your cooperation.yoursArafat
2006/7/15, Christian Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On 7/14/06, sinplomo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> Hi,>> I would like to be the new arabic team
Dear All,
The IRC session took place yesterday and the IRC log is available at
At the end of the page there is a summary that is being built; feel free
to help out summarising the session and extracting actions to do.
There was in
It seems that the status pages are showing the seahorse-0.8 branch,
however releases are being made out of HEAD. At least on my GNU
distribution, the version is 0.9.1.
Could someone please clarify this, and correct the pages, if possible?
In the GNU Project, discrimination against proprietar
On 14/07/2006, at 11:04 PM, Christian Rose wrote:
> On 7/14/06, Clytie Siddall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Guilherme, bem vindo! Welcome to GNOME! I'm happy to see you here. :)
> Actually, Guilherme is an old timer in the GNOME community (as you can
> probably see from his e-mail address, and