I want to be the new coordinator for this language becouse the
actually coordinator don't work more in this language.
gnome-i18n mailing list
I'd like to request a string freeze break for committing the patch at
http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=167344 to the gnome-2.10
branch of nautilus. I don't know much about I18n issues, but it was
suggested that this is a critical bug for languages without plural forms
which should
On 5/21/05, Richard Hoelscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mailing here just to make sure I'm not breaking any i18n taboos... I
> recently patched the gnome-games Tetravex component to use localized
> numbers rather than plain old "0" through "9" on the puzzle pieces. This
> is merely for looks, as
lör 2005-05-21 klockan 03:48 +0200 skrev nacho resa:
> I know that have a galician team but in this moment not running that
> team and I want to create a new team for galician language
(Please keep gnome-i18n@gnome.org cc:ed).
Ok. Jesus, you are the existing Galician coordinator. Are you alive an