First of all, great questions! I think you really expressed yourself
well there.
In order for a graphical interface to be accessible it needs to talk to
the operational system accessibilityAPIs, informing how the application
is being built (aka how it is providing its semantic tree in case yo
My understanding is that GTK is not accessible with screen readers under
Microsoft Windows, but it can be under Linux. Support for non-Linux
environments is on the development agenda for GTK 4.
On 5/6/21 6:05 am, chandan dora via gnome-accessibility-list wrote:
hello friends, I need to learn t
hello friends, I need to learn the concept, of how the gtk gui
applications designed in c language can be accessible in different
platforms, especially in microsoft windows and linux. to make a clear
understand of this concept, I implemented a very simple gtk gui
applications in c as follows: