I have given up with orca and I am using emacspeak now.
In emacspeak I am using gnus for mail reading and answering. the
experience is really nice!
Emacs has a learning curve that takes a little to master, but once you
do it it works very well.
2014-06-27 12:59 GMT-03:00, Kyle :
> I have over 8
I have over 8000 messages in my gmail/all mail folder. Although it is a
bit laggy, and although Orca doesn't appear to speak "all mail," I can
now navigate the message list using a nightly build, which wasn't
possible in the releases.
"Kyle? ... She calls her cake, Kyle?"
Hello Kyle,
I would be interested to know whether you are also suffering from the
following Thunderbird issue:
I am using 4 accounts with some huge imap folders here and I really find
this a critical issue no mather which version of Thunderbi
I recently tried Geary, Sylpheed, Claws-mail, Balsa and Evolution. All
have various issues that make them nearly unusable with Orca. Balsa is
one of the best other than Thunderbird, but it's hard to read a message
once it's open. The message shows up in a read-only textbox, but the
arrow keys don't
Hi Peter.
Did you try sylpheed?
I didn't have time to play with it, but seems that there is much
accessibility present.
There is a package in arch called sylpheed.
On 06/26/2014 12:10 PM, Peter Vágner wrote:
I have been using Thunderbird for most of my emailing needs for some
I have been using Thunderbird for most of my emailing needs for some 8
years now.
However as recently I have noticed there are some accessibility and
performance related issues with its current version on linux.
So I have took geary for a test today.
I like the fact geary is verry simple