I forgot to mention one more advantage of this solution:
You can use speechd running in system mode for orca as well and don't
need to start a seperate sd instance in the user session.
Have a look how the debian guys run speechd as user speechd, group
Then set
On Mo, Jul 11, 2011 at 06:28:20 +, Tony Sales wrote:
> Halim, I would be happy to try that out if you could explain how to do
> it and what advantages it offers...
The advantage is that you can run speech-dispatcher in system mode using
eg. the stable libao output driver together with your
Halim, I would be happy to try that out if you could explain how to do it and
what advantages it offers...
Tony Sales
From: gnome-accessibility-list-boun...@gnome.org
[gnome-accessibility-list-boun...@gnome.org] on behalf of Halim Sahin