Re: accessibility for those with speech impairment

2016-09-16 Thread Nlomrb Gmail
Because I will be discussing possible approaches to my speech impairment with a speech-language-pathologist in mid-October, and do not yet have the software or hardware needed, I cannot implement your suggestion yet. I look forward to doing so soon. Thanks! Rose Sent from my iPad > On Sep

Re: accessibility for those with speech impairment

2016-09-16 Thread Nlomrb Gmail
Jeremy and all, Thanks for the information about Kmouth. I think it will do what I need. I cannot test it now, though :( . Rose Sent from my iPad ___ gnome-accessibility-list mailing list

Re: Accessibility for those with speech impairment

2016-09-15 Thread Jeremy Whiting
KMouth is an application. It can be used in Unity, Gnome, Cinammon, anything linux based. The latest release uses kdelibs and jovie (formerly kttsd) to do the speaking, but at some point the frameworks branch will be released which only depends on QtSpeech (which in turn depends on speech-dispatche

Accessibility for those with speech impairment

2016-09-15 Thread Nlomrb Gmail
Everyone on the mailing list, especially Jeremy and Gary, I thank all of you for your contributions. I am interested in knowing whether Kmouth can be run as a module without KDE. I am also interested in knowing what the public sources making up VBC are, and where they may be found. My sympat