Is there a tutorial how to use Gnome 3 with Orca?
Is Gnome 3 with orka working or have I to use the fallback desktop?
I'm like to try out gnome 3 just to see wether I like it.
I am use Ubuntu 11.12 with Unity normaly.
I will tray Fedora 16 as an live system
Is there a distribution that with Gnome 3 and Orca on it.
I am wondering how works Gnome 3 with Orca
I am able too use either VirtualBox or VMPlayer to install it or runing
it as a live-CD/DVD.
gnome-accessibility-list mailing li
I try to use Ubuntu in VMware-Player on a Windows XP system.
I downloaded the image from
I have managed to get the sound working, however the speech sounds
like rustle and one can not understand it.
Any hints?
I know that the accessibility support of the actual version of Firefox
not very good is. However what is accessibility support of version 2.0
using Gnopernicus 1.0 like.
is it a goot idea to use Firefox 2.0 RC 2 with Gnopernicus 1.0?
Please could give me someone a description how to get Orca work with
BRLTTY on the Desktop CD of Ubuntu 6.10.
I like to use it as a live CD and not to install it.
I have got an Alva Sattelite 570 Pro Braille Display
Before I write a bug report to anyone I like to know whether I set
the s
is the accessibility boot option 'Screen Reader' on the beta versions
found, on http://www.ubuntu.com/news/EdgyBeta, enabled? So that I have
to press F5 and to select 'Screen Reader" when the screen with the
boot options comes up in order to get the accessibility technology
And wa
I have got a Alva Satellite 570 Pro braille display, Connected to USB
How I get braille support under Ubuntu Edgy?
I used the daily build from 30 Sept.
I did the following.
1. start the PC from CD
2. waited until the screen with the boot option comes up
3. press F5 and selected
I have got a Alva Satellite 570 Pro braille display, Conectet to USB
How I get braille suport unter Ubuntu
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list
My latest information on how to rum Orca on a daily build of Ubuntu is
based on this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=246334
HOWTO. Is this HOWTO still actual or there any minor change in the way
Orca should be run on the latest daily build of Ubuntu?.
I have got a braille disp
hello Brette Luck,
Brette Luck wrote:
Sorry for the last posting.
> I think this is going to be a great opportunity to get feedback to the
> community about where the accessibility technologies need work so that
> they can reach an even broader audience. First, however I need to get
> both soft
hello Brette Luck,
Brette Luck wrote:
> I think this is going to be a great opportunity to get feedback to the
> community about where the accessibility technologies need work so that
> they can reach an even broader audience. First, however I need to get
> both software and hardware ATs workin
> Am I supposed to press the big key above enter or the bottom left key of
> the row of 6 that are separated by a space from the main keyboard and
> the numeric keypad?
> I am trying Edgy on my desktop.
Your need to use the key abov enter witch is usab
hello Henrik ,
Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
> I've written up a fairly detailed HOWTO in the Ubuntu forums:
> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=246334
> Please comment with your experiences and on how it could be improved.
You HOTO is quite helpful.
However you should add a section witc
How I get my Alva Satellite 570 working with Orca on the Ubuntu 6.10
Daily Build on 29th August?
If I answer the question about braille support with yes during the
setup process the display don't get initialised after killing the
Gnome Session with CTRL+Alt+backspace.
I have connected the
hello Cheryl Homiak,
Cheryl Homiak wrote:
> I'm getting really good at restarting gdm, logging in, doing alt-f2
> and starting orca, looking at menus. But where do I find information
> on how to actually navigate and use these applications, especially
> from a keyboard point of view. I'm not ev
I have downloadet the Image of Edgy alva version desktop
Is there no Orca on it yet? I dom't have any speach after the system
has started finish and I can't find orca.
I am using Edgy as a Live-CD.
gnome-accessibility-list mailing
hello Jason White,
Jason White wrote:
> What's the easiest way to run gnome-terminal without speech or braille output?
The easest way to run gnome-terminal is to use the run dialog (Alt+F2)
and to type gnome-terminal.
Best regards
ain to me how to configure Gnopernicus and or Ubuntu for
full screen magnifire I will try it.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen/ Best regarts
Petra Ritter
Zugang für alle
Schweizerische Stiftung zur behindertengerechten Tech
My suggestion is to turn on the accessibility Technology by default
and to have accesskeys to start Gnopernicus or what ever program they
use for persons with motor difficulties. I assuming that the for 'Lesser
visual impairment' there use just another theme to change the
appearance of the
hello Ginn,
Ginn wrote:
> For Ubuntu 6.06, you need to set GTK_MODULES to empty before starting
> Firefox (1.5.0.x).
> Like this,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$firefox
I am using the LiveCD itself. Work this Command in this case, too?
> Or you can download f
hello remus draica,
remus draica wrote:
> when you press tab, the selected link is reported by gnopernicus. In
> order to be able to navigate character by character you have to turn on
> the caret by pressing F7. Also, the text on the screen is presented line
> by line in flat review mode.
How I
When I start the Ubuntu 6.06 Live CD with the option Blindness
Gnopernicus very often don't speak after the System has started
When this is happen I quit Gnopernicus using either Alt+q or Alt+F4
and it again using the run dialog. However I get nearly always one of
this error me
> I have been trying to run the live CD of Ubuntu.
> I put the CD in the drive, wait while the drive churns around, I keep
> waiting and then it just goes into Ubuntu.
That is to late.
> When am I supposed to press F5 to chose the accessability?
> Am I
Hello ,
I tried the Ubuntu Dapper Drake live cd, too and I run in to two
accessibility problems.
1th If I start Ubuntu with the Option 'Blindness from the
Accessebility Menü Gnopernicus commes up however the speech does not
work after the system is up and runing.
2th I diden't managed to read th
I tried the Ubuntu Dapper Drake live cd, too and I run in to two
accessibility problems.
1th If I start Ubuntu with the Option 'Blindness from the
Accessebility Menü Gnopernicus commes up however the speech does mot
work after the system is up and runing.
hello Kenny Hitt,
Kenny Hitt wrote:
> People will need the test-speech utility available in the gnome-speech
> source, and you haven't bothered to package it for Debian yet.
Joust to make sure. Do I need this utility only if I want gnome get working
with a
java-based program like OpenOfice or
On withch version of Gnome run the lastest version of Gnopernicus
best? And what about Mozilla, Evolution, Jawa accessbridge and Oppen Office?
Best regards
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list
hello Luke Yelavich,
on Montag, 27. März 2006 at 00:39 wrote Luke Yelavich:
> I have just finished viewing the video from CSUN about Orca. One thing I
> noticed was the document that was loaded into StarOffice for reviewing.
> I checked out the latest Orca CVS, and didn't find any docs that were
hello Halim Sahin,
on Montag, 13. Februar 2006 at 08:54 wrote Halim Sahin:
> This behaviour happens not only with the braille output.
> The special german characters are broken with speech too.
That can be a pain, to work like this.
I'm just wondering, what get you as out put for the words
hello Javier
on Sunday, 12th Feb. 2006 at 20:58 wrote Fco. Javier Dorado Martínez:
> Hi to all
> I think that an verbosity option must be available here.
> Now there's no way to determine reading a text character by character what
> letter is capitalized.
> I would be nice to have gnopernicus sa
hello Satyam,
on Sunday, 12th Feb. 2006 at 09:13 wrote Satyam:
> Hi,
> Let me explain once again.
> The problem is
> When ever I typed or read the text I am not able to figure out
> whether a letter is upper case or lower case.
> When I use emacspeak I am able to get this information.
> In simple
hello Satyam,
on Sunday, 12th Februar 2006 at 09:13 wrote Satyam:
> Let me explain once again.
> The problem is
> When ever I typed or read the text I am not able to figure out
> whether a letter is upper case or lower case.
> When I use emacspeak I am able to get this information.
> In simple w
the German characters and the decimal value of them:
Ü -> 220
Ö -> 214
Ä -> 196
ü -> 252
ö -> 246
ä -> 228
The only German character that seem to be missing is the 'sharp" 'ß'
that is in Germany and Austria used but not in Switzerland.
On the Debian Accessibility-List Samuel Thibault has tolled me that on
the CD Image #4 is gnopernicus.
What included this 'installation'?
included it drivers for braille displays or need I to download them
from somewhere else? And what is the situation for Festival or an other TTS
Whitch version of Gnome works best on a System with the latest
versoion of Debian and Gnopernicus 1.0?
Whitch version of the email client Evolution and whitch Version of
Mozilla Firefox works best with Gnopernicus 1.0?
Hello ,
what is the hardware requirement of Gnopernicus?
Is a system with the following Hardware god enough?
Processor: AMD Athlon, 755 MHz
RAM:256 MB
Grafickard: Matrox Milenium G200 AGP
I kan't find informations about the hardware requirement on
I am intressted to know what features Orca alredy included.
I couldn'd find a lot in the Internet about Orca.
Mayby someone how used Orca can give me more infos on that Screen
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list
Hello Peter,
In the Licensing Information for Solaris 10 I fund the following
The registration process to receive an Entitlement Document is part of the
Solaris 10 download process, with the Entitlement Document being returned to
you via e-mail. For this reason, YOU MUST PROVIDE A W
Hello Keny,
Your are right, Gnome has been droped by the mentainer of Slackware,
but in the chagelog of Slackware 10.2 [1] are to Gnome projekts refernced
thise projekts are specile for Slackware.[2] [3]
To me it looks that at least one of them suports Gnopernicus [3]
[1] http://www.slackware.co
is on this list someone how using Slackware 10.1 and Gnopernicus?
What is your expirences in doing so?
I am planing to setup a system using slackware.
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list
Is http://www.baum.ro/gnopernicus.html still down?
I am not sure whether the URL is correct or not.
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list
What is the situation regarding Accessebility of Firefox 1.5 and
At the moment Firefox 1.5 ist still an Beta 1 (at least for Windows)
There are plans to make Firefox 1.5 accesseble with Gnopernicus?
Hello Peter,
in mail with en ther Subijekt you wrote somthings about Gnome 2.12
Live CD.
Is on this CD Gnopernicus and an TTS includet and their are working?
In other words can I use this Live CD working with either speech or an
breille display?
Does anyone know if the Gnome 2.10 live CD is accessible using
an Alva
ABT320 braille display? I assume it's a bootable CD. If not,
will kernel
2.4 be
Please send theAnser for this question to the list.
Hi Bill,
You wrote:
What types of applications are you using? Does gnopernicus
speak if you
press "F10" to post menus? Also, remember that you may need to
press F7
to enter "caret browsing mode" in order to read many
applications' text
content, for instance gnome-help, mozilla, and others.
I d
I played around with the accesseble Live-CD from Luke. On this CD
Gnopernicus dosen't work in the terminal.
On the other hand I read on this list things lik this:
Check before starting festival_client if festival is running in
ps aux|grep 'festival --server'
If not, start i
Hi Luke,
As Im new to Gnopernicus I attent to reasd the help of it however
I couldn't to so.
I'm using speach and brauille.The braille device is an Alva
Sattelite 750.
Everx time I tray to read the help folloving is happen
A windows openin and Gnopernicus says something that sound like
:' cr
Hi Luke,
Is it still possible the Live-CD that you made to download?
I got it but the file was corrubted and when I tried it a second
time I los the Server for good.
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list
meone on this list run such a
Petra Ritter
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list
Is there any Live-CD. with a working Gnopernicus version on it?
The search for such a Live-CD wasn't very successful till now.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen / Best regarts
Petra Ritter
EDV-Instruktorin, Stiftung Zugang für Alle
IT Instructor, Foundation A
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