Hi Don,
I know from experience Fedora puts all it's gnome stuf in /usr by default.
It is generally a good idea to do:
./configure --prefix=/usr
to make sure the files go where they are suppose to go. However, the
exception to that rule is if you are using something like garnome or another
Hi Thomas,
I would be happy to try the cvs release. However, is the
version in cvs still compatible with Gnome 2.8?
Alot of us out here are running Fedora 3 or Mandriva latest, and 2.10 is
still on the way.
I would hate to have to do a major upgrade/compile of gnome since i find 2.8
reasonable w
Hi Peter,
I would be happy to try the cvs release. However, is the
version in cvs still compatible with Gnome 2.8?
Alot of us out here are running Fedora 3 or Mandriva latest, and 2.10 is
still on the way.
I would hate to have to do a major upgrade/compile of gnome since i find 2.8
reasonable with
Here's what I've done to get the gnome-speech driver for DECtalk
working on Fedora Core 3:
1) DECtalk installs itself into /usr/local. This means that
the system library loader needs to search /usr/local/lib
for shared libraries. I *thought* Fedora tended to do this
by default
I am using fedora core 3 (speakup version) kernel 2.6.11-1.14_spk_smp.
I used the command configure to configure gnome-speech, and did a make then
make install.
Do I need to pass some specific parameters to the configure?
-Original Message-
Hi Don:
What was the command you used to build gnome-speech? In addition,
did you do a "make install"? Finally, what OS distribution are
you using?
On Jun 3, 2005, at 8:16 PM, Donald Raikes wrote:
I have the fonix dectalk speech synthesizer version 5.0, and have
tried recompi