Please keep the CC in tact, this is a cross-list discussion.
On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 03:40:02PM EST, Jason White wrote:
> Luke Yelavich wrote:
> > My initial thought is to implement some form of hand-off process, where an
> > assistive technology like Orca can request to take over control of
Luke Yelavich wrote:
> My initial thought is to implement some form of hand-off process, where an
> assistive technology like Orca can request to take over control of gesture
> processing at the root X window. This would require a desktop environment
> that requires root X window gesture process
Greetings all.
This is meant as a cross-list discussion between GNOME Shell developers, Unity
developers, and accessibility developers, please make sure you keep everybody
in CC when replying.
With Ubuntu desktop development partly focusing on the desktop experience on
the Google Nexus 7, I hav